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'Tonner's Fancy' rose References
Magazine  (Mar 2020)  Page(s) 16. Vol 42, No. 1.  Includes photo(s).
Editor: Tonner's Fancy 1927. photo Pat Toolan.  This is the form collected from the tennis court fence at Thelangerin Station which is considered more likely to be correct than the one collected from 'Glenara'.  Both are in the Alister Clark Memorial Garden at Bulla. 
Magazine  (2004)  Page(s) 22. Vol 26, No. 1.  
Billy West. 7th Biennial National Conference, Hay, NSW. On Saturday afternoon, buses took members to visit Budgewah, home of Coleen and David Houston..... Memorable in Budgewah was the very beautiful, once-flowering “Thelangerin Tennis Court Rose ROR” now thought to be the real Tonner’s Fancy, one of Alister Clark’s gigantea hybrids.

[Pictures of the “Thelangerin Tennis Court Rose ROR” now appear in Helpmefind's Photos]
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 41.  
‘Tonner’s Fancy’ (Clark, introduced by Gill & Searle, 1928).
Magazine  (2003)  
Heritage Roses in Australia. 7th National Conference Proceedings, Hay, NSW. 2003
p37.John Nieuwesteeg. Australian Roses Past and Present. ....and Tonner’s Fancy’ (1929), which until most recently had been identified incorrectly. It is my firm belief that the correct Tonner’s Fancy, along with ‘Harbinger’, has come from ‘Thelangerin’, a property here near Hay.
Magazine  (2002)  Page(s) 38. Vol 24, No. 3.  
Coleen Houston. An Article in 1999 by Brenda Weir of Hay Bishop’s Lodge Management Committee: As a result of detective work associated with identifying roses at Bishop’s Lodge, Hay, NSW, some of our garden committee began to look at other old surviving roses in the district. We became aware of the unusual early blooming of some Thelangerin roses when the McFarland family, who own this old grazing property near Hay, sent roses to arrange in the church for the September funeral of a young friend. Almost a year later on 27th July, 1992, Coleen Houston and I visited neighbouring Thelangerin and collected cuttings of these interesting roses, which grew in the garden begun by Mrs. Harold McFarland around 1922. The Thelangerin Tennis Court Rose is a full, creamy, mauve/pink-centred, spring flowering climber. It has the appearance of a vigorous climbing Tea Rose and is budded onto a small mauve flowered understock with indica major characteristics. An identical plant grows in the garden of another family member on old ‘Oxley Station’. Investigations have shown that the “Thelangerin Tennis Court Rose” is very similar to ‘Traverser’, an Alister Clark gigantea hybrid rose. .... Both of these [Thelangerin] roses retain most of their leaves in winter and provide many clues which might indicate that they are Alister Clark roses. The date on which Mrs. Harold McFarland’s garden was established on ‘Thelangerin’ gives emphasis to this idea.

Private correspondence from Brenda Weir, Feb 2001 - and not included in the journal.
"We have gathered a couple of roses from Thelangerin homestead which would appear to be Alister Clark hybrid giganteas - maybe Tonner's Fancy and Harbinger but not the same as roses of these names identified by Susan Irvine and Trevor Nottle."
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 11.  Includes photo(s).
Tonner’s Fancy – 1928. R. gigantea seedling x unnamed variety. Hybrid Gigantea Climbing rose. Double, globular and large, white to blush pink flowers on stout stems, in early spring only. Disease resistant foliage, bronze new growth. Vigorous climber. Flower 33 petals, 90 mm, singly. Climber 5m x 3m.
Website/Catalog  (1998)  Page(s) 19.  
Tonner’s Fancy. Gigantea Hyb. 1928. A. Clark. / Aust. Climbing. Double. Attractive leaves. 6.0m x 4.5m. light pink.
Website/Catalog  (1997)  Page(s) 30.  
Tonner’s Fancy. Hybrid Gigantea Climber, 1929. Fragrant, double, large blooms of creamy-pink. Very vigorous.
Book  (1997)  Includes photo(s).
p224 Picture. Caption: ‘Tonner’s Fancy’ comes out pink and fades to almost white.

p227 Some of the early-flowering ones such as ‘Tonner’s Fancy and ‘Courier’ can have their mass of early buds and their new young shoots bitten off by late frosts each year.

p228-229 Picture. Caption: In the sheltered Victorian valley where Glenara lies, the Gigantea hybrid ‘Tonner’s Fancy’ has grown to venerable proportions. It puts on a breathtaking display, but only for a couple of weeks in early spring.
Book  (1997)  Includes photo(s).
p92. ....Ruth Rundle was courteous and generous in the extreme. She listened to what I had to say, invited me to visit Glenara and to take what rose cuttings I wanted. ......By midnight some two hundred and sixty little cuttings were safely in their pots. A good proportion of them struck. Many of the climbers did not. Those bred from Rosa gigantea stock are notoriously difficult to propagate. Some of them we were later able to identify. Some are still known simply as ..... or “Alister Clark, NOT Tonner’s Fancy”.

p204 The first generation crosses ....and Tonner’s Fancy – glorious as they are, and worthy of a place in any large garden – bloom only in the spring.

p214 ‘Courier’ and ‘Tonner’s Fancy’ are both still flourishing at Glenara.... ‘Tonner’s Fancy’ is pure delight. Released in 1928, it is compared in the Rose Annual of that year with ‘Devoniensis’ – globular, fragrant, white tinged pink in the opening bud.” It was named after George Tonner, a keen gardener from Ballarat, who persuaded Alister to release it. Alister had hesitated to do so because the flowering period is so short, and so early that the buds are sometimes frosted. We should be eternally grateful to George Tonner....... ‘Tonner’s Fancy’ is not easy to establish. It is one of the many gigantea hybrids that will not strike from cuttings. John budded it and gave me three sturdy plants. One died almost instantly. The second struggled, but after two years it has at last sent up one strong shoot. The third I planted on a shady, sheltered bank. This is apparently to its liking for it has shot up and is well on the way to the top of an old apple tree.

p226-227 Picture.

p253 Tonner’s Fancy – 1928. R. gigantea seedling x unnamed variety. Large double, exceptionally beautiful flowers, white tinged pink in the bud. Foliage outstanding. Flowers briefly in early spring. Our plant from Glenara where it is still growing.
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