Website/Catalog (8 May 2014) Registered Name: 'Meihud' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Arioso HT, or, 1976, Paolino; flowers light vermilion, 5 in., 25 petals, slight, fruity fragrance; foliage glossy, dark; very vigorous, upright growth. [(Paris-Match × Baccará) × Marella]
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 21. Arioso, HT, or, 1970; description; ((Paris Match X Baccarà) X Marella); Paolino; URS
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 2. Arioso ® Meihud Meilland 1974. Lumineux coloris rouge vermillon saumoné, feuillage sain, vert foncé, brillant. Forte végétation plutôt haute.
Website/Catalog (1977) Page(s) 5. Includes photo(s). ARIOSO ® (Meihud. Sél. Meilland) Vermillon clair persistant. 70/80. Larges fleurs en coupe sur feuillage vert foncé. Vigoureuse et saine.
[no longer listed in 1984]
Book (1976) Page(s) 176. Meihud. HT. (Mrs. M. L. Paolino; U.R.S.-Meilland) (Paris Match x Baccara) x Marella. Moderately full, double (25 petals) light vermilion red; slight fruity scent; free flowering. Abundant, middle-sized, glossy, dark green foliage. Very vigorous, upright ...
Website/Catalog (1976) [Undated Dawson's center liftout advertisement in a West Australian newspaper, circa 1976]
'Ariosa' (HT) NEW. a free flowering dazzling orange scarlet. Nicely shaped blooms are borne singly on long stems. Good vigorous growth.
Website/Catalog (1976) Page(s) 25. Includes photo(s). ® ARIOSO (Meihud) Meilland 1974 : vermillon clair, fleurs semi-doubles, rosier vigoureux.
(1976) Page(s) 9. Hybrid Teas. 'Ariosa'. Llght vermilion orange large bloom of about 20 petals. Lightly fragrant. $4.00
Book (1975) Page(s) 73. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Ariosa HT. (Meilland). Light vermilion orange, large semi-double blooms which emerge from a stubby bud.
Website/Catalog (1975) Page(s) 4, 6(photo). Includes photo(s). p. 4: ARIOSO ® (Meihuh - Sél. Meilland) Nouveauté 74 Vermillon clair. - recommandée pour fleurs coupées - parfumée - Larges fleurs en coupes, sur un feuillage foncé abondant
p. 6: Arioso ® - Meihud (Meilland)