'Best Regards' rose References
Book (1950) p11. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1950. Best Regards (HT.) (Morris 1944). This variety might sometimes be considered a border line case between deep pink and light red. At its best its petals show a cardinal red inner face with a reverse of tyrian rose with a really distinct yellow base. It is a very vigorous grower, most prolific in bloom and an outstanding variety. Mr. Morris is a newcomer in the field of hybridists and has also given the rose world the brilliant 'San Fernando', with others of equal excellence to follow.
p131. Dr. A. S. Thomas. A Victorian Summary. Best Regards is nearly always faded and mauve, except when both days and nights are warm.
Website/Catalog (1950) Page(s) 4. Novelty Roses 1950. Best Regards (H.T.) (Morris, 1944) . Interior of petals are cardinal red with a reverse of tyrian rose. A very vigorous grower and prolific bloomer. An outstanding variety. 10/6 each.
Book (1949) Page(s) 38. Dr. A. S. Thomas. Let Us Take Stock - Old and New. Best Regards (1 plant, 1 year). A two-toned pink resembling Mrs. A. R. Barraclough in colour except that the inner aspect of each petal is a deeper pink and the outside has much more yellow especially towards the base. In form it is of the type of Mrs. Bryce Allen and Silver Jubilee. The petals do not reflex much. A distinctive rose, excellent in colour, form, size, health, growth and freedom of bloom, it is sure to win favour quickly.
Book (1945) Page(s) 224, 225, 226. Best Regards Hybrid Tea. (Theodore Morris; introduced by Germain Seed & Plant Co., 1944)... Tyrian rose, reverse Neyron rose... pp. 225, 226: Best Regards Hybrid Tea. Patent issued to Theodore J. Morris, Van Nuys, California; assigned to German Seed and Plant Company, Los Angeles, California, March 6, 1845. US Plant Patent No. 652
Article (misc) (1945) Page(s) 181. Best Regards Hybrid Tea. Rose. (Theodore J. Morris, 1944; introduced by G S & P Co. 1944) US Plant Patent No. 652