'Ella Gordon' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 308. Gordon, Ella (HP) W. Paul 1883; M. V. Verdier X ? (?); bright cherry, large, double, globular, firm, rounded petals, broad light green foliage.
Magazine (7 Jan 1911) Page(s) 11. Answers to Correspondents. Roses for August and September flowering — The following varieties are all sweetly fragrant and suitable to plant in your country cottage garden, where they would yield a fine display of bloom during the months of August and September: Climbers — Zepherin Drouhin, Hugh Dickson, Pink Rover, Grüss an Teplitz, Reine Marie Henriette, Noella Nabonnand, Sarah Bernhardt, J. B. Clark, Gloire de Dijon, Mme. Alfred Carrière, M. Desir and Johanna Sebus. Dwarf — Mrs. John Laing, Dupuy Jamain, General Jacqueminot, Mme. Victor Verdier, Dr. Andry, Mme. Abel Chatenay, General Macarthur, Mme. Isaac Pereire, Augustine Guinoisseau, Gustav Grunerwald, Mme. Jules Grolez, Pharisaer, Ulrich Brunner, Fisher Holmes, Louis van Houtte, Ella Gordon, Captain Hayward, Mme. Ravary, Dr. O'Donel Browne, Beauté Inconstante, La France, Laurent Carle, Marquise Litta, Richmond and Viscountess Folkestone.
Book (1910) Page(s) 285. Ella Gordon Hybrid Perpetual; flowers bright cherry colour, globular, large, and full; petals smooth, thick, and well rounded; foliage clean, broad, and handsome; growth vigorous. One of the best autumn-flowering Roses.
Book (1902) Page(s) 135. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe J. — Charles Lefebvre Ainsi que nous le disons plus haut, les rosiers de ce groupe ont beaucoup d'analogie avec ceux du précédent [Mme Victor Verdier groupe]. Rameaux brunâtres, lisses, aiguillons gros, rares; feuille très grande; fleur pleine, imbriquée, de coloris foncés variant du rouge au rouge noir. 4510. Ella Gordon... (W. Paul 1883)... cerise éclatant.
Magazine (1902) Page(s) 50. Die Hybridisation der Rosen. Preisaufgabe der National Rose Society. Von Walter Easlea.... ...von Mad. V. Verdier: Souv. de Spa, Mrs. Laxton und wahrscheinlich Ella Gordon
Translation: The hybridisation of roses. National Rose Society Prize Essay. By Walter Easlea.... ...by Mme V. Verdier: Souv. de Spa, Mrs. Laxton and probably Ella Gordon
["The Hybridisation of Roses", The National Rose Society's Prize Essay, by Walter Easlea Jr., was published 1896 in Edinburgh. 35 pages.]
Magazine (6 Apr 1901) Page(s) 429. Ella Gordon (a richer-coloured Mme. Victor Verdier and more vigorous, and a Rose everyone should possess)
Booklet (1899) Page(s) 20. Ella Gordon. W. Paul & Son '84. S. G. Cherry-crimson, semi-globular, vigorous.
Magazine (23 Oct 1897) Page(s) 328. Rose Ella Gordon. — To say that this Rose is vigorous conveys but a slight idea of its luxuriant growth. It is not at all an uncommon occurrence for it to produce shoots 5 feet to 6 feet long in a season. This fact should be remembered by all who desire Roses of this nature, for their uses are manifold, be it to form hedges, training on pillars, or growing as single specimens on lawns. I know of no better crimson Hybrid Perpetual Rose for autumnal blooming than this. The globular-shaped flowers are large, but not coarse. They generally come good and have beautifully smooth petals of a brilliant cherry-crimson colour. I should take it to be a seedling from Mme. Victor Verdier. We find just the same peculiar purplish wood at the end of the shoots, but it is far more vigorous even than this grand Rose. I can commend also for pot culture. Under cool treatment it is a formidable rival to Ulrich Brunner.
Book (1896) Page(s) 284. Ella Gordon. Cherry-crimson. A bright form of Mme. V. Verdier; good in autumn.
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 175. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Ella Gordon. Bright cherry colour; globular, large, and full; petals smooth, thick, and well rounded; foliage clear, broad, and handsome; a fine Rose.