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'Briosa ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 67-885
most recent 3 NOV 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 OCT 12 by Cà Berta
Apparently Barni introduced two roses with this name.

The first (yellow orange with vermillion edges), is in the catalogues from 1990-1991 till at least 1997-1998. This is the description in the catalogue 1990-1991:
Rosai a cespuglio rifiorenti a mazzi.
Cod 02025 Briosa
Barbrio. Il colore base è una eccezionale tonalità di giallo arancio, ulteriormente ravvivata dal rosso vermiglio acceso dell’orlo dei petali. La pianta è robusta, ben ramificata, con fogliame rossastro, continuamente in fiore. I fiori, grandi e doppi, hanno i petali di una insolita consistenza che ne assicura una lunga durata. Un gruppo di questa varietà crea in giardino una sorprendente policromia. Leggermente profumata. Altezza cm. 50/70.

The second one is in the catalogues since 2006-2007. This is the description in the catalogue 2006-2007:
Rosai a cespuglio rifiorenti lillipuziani (minirose)
Briosa (Novità) cod. 03008 (Barni 2006) Barbrio – Altezza 40/45

The Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi has two trade mark registrations of this name:
1) filed 16 October 1990, registration n. 601696, registered 14 July 1993; this trade mark was not renewed
2) filed 18 July 2006, registration n. 1195743, registered 10 June 2009.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 2 NOV 12 by jedmar
I believe it is the same rose, as the breeder codes are identical. Possibly the trademark ran out after 15 years and Barni re-launched the rose in 2006 with new trademark protection. The new application was 16 years after the first one. In the case of 'Pippy' which you also commented, the renewal was 10 years after the first application. There must be some time limit for renewals, after which only a totally new application is possible.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 3 NOV 12 by Cà Berta
You may be right. However the two roses in the Barni catalogues are listed in two different class groups: shrubs (the old one) and miniature (the new one). For this reason I think more likely that they registered again, for a different rose, a "nice" trade mark already expired. As they did not sell any more the old rose, it was reasonable.
As for Pippy, actually the name Bambolina was never registered. They applied for it (together with Flaming star and Corallina ...) but did not get the registration (a Bambolina by Noisette already existed? ... italian mistery?). Apparently, when the application was rejected, they registered a new trade mark (Pippy).
Reply #3 of 4 posted 3 NOV 12 by jedmar
Another possibility: A shrub of 50-70 cm is no highlight, but if you declare it a miniature! :)
Reply #4 of 4 posted 3 NOV 12 by Cà Berta
The descriptions and the photos are rather different and support the idea that they are different roses.
Discussion id : 52-986
most recent 20 MAR 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 MAR 11 by Alex Stepanov
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