'Michigan Superba' rose References
Book (2016) Page(s) 228. ......I saw Superba at Tete d'Or garden in Lyon, France in 1989, but I don't know if it still exists there.
Book (1936) Page(s) 688. Superba (setigera) Feast 1843; ? R. superba (hybrid setigera) Dingee 1900; fresh pink, growth 8/10, climbing.
Book (1936) Page(s) 477. Michigan Superba (hybrid setigera) ? ? ; pale pink, medium size, double, once-blooming, very floriferous, climbing, 2-3 m.
Book (1906) Page(s) 171. ....Superba,... raised by the late Mr. Feast, of Baltimore, in 1843.
Magazine (Sep 1880) Page(s) 141. Rose des prairies (Rosa rubifolia) .... R. superba (Feast, 1850). Fleur rose pâle, de nuance changeante, devenant rouge.
Magazine (1 Apr 1880) Page(s) 60. [From "NOTICE SUR LES ROSES AMÉRICAINES" by H.B. Ellwanger, read at the Horticultural Society of Rochester on 29 January 1880] Rosa Rubifolia (Roses des prairies). ... Superba (Samuel Feast, 1843). — Rose pâle variant au carné.
Book (1858) Page(s) 290. Rosa superba has pale, delicate blush roses, in large clusters, the flowers not so large as the Baltimore Belle.
Magazine (1852) Page(s) Annex p. 23. Exposition de 10, 11, 12 et 13 Juin 1852.... M. Dupuy-Jamain, Pépiniériste-Horticulteur, 59, Barrière Fontainebleau (extra muros). FLEURS COUPÉES. Rosiers Bengale. 1492 Rubifolia superba.
Book (1852) Page(s) 77. Prairie Rose; a few elegant sorts have been grown from this single-flowered native rose: all are of rapid growth and partaking of the parent in blooming later than roses generally that flower only once in the season; they are admirably adapted for covering arbours, rock work, or out-buildings of any kind, being of the most hardy nature, and standing the severest of our winters even in the most Northern States. Superba, blush, a very profuse bloomer in rich clusters, perfectly double.
Magazine (Aug 1849) Page(s) 379. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Exhibited. -- From Hovey & Co., fifteen varieties of Prairie roses, as follows: -- Queen [of the Prairies], Perpetual Pink, Superba, Baltimore Belle, Pallida, Caradori Allen, Miss Gunnell, Mrs. Hovey, Eva Corinne, Anne Marie, Jane, Pride of Washington, President, and Triumphant...
NB: despite the promise of fifteen varieties, only fourteen are listed.