'Gabriel Noyelle' rose Photos
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Sangerhausen Europa Rosarium, 21June2023
Uploaded 28 DEC 23 |
June 29, 2021
Very prickly. Fairly winter hardy. Black spot susceptible, little mildew. Could be grown as climber or pegged, but I wouldn't want to handle her that much. Fragrant, sticky light moss on buds and pedicels. Like balsam fir and black pepper to me. Moderately fragrant semi-double blooms in gorgeous soft apricot soon fading near white. Buds look like those of Tea roses. I like to pretend that she is my Northern Garden Safrano substitute! I've noted the information to not prune this hefty lass too much, but I frequently cut back vigorous new growth by 1/3 to 1/2 and she still blooms, grows, and blooms some more!
Z5b/Sunset 41 South Central Michigan
Uploaded 25 JAN 23 |
November 25, 2022
Hips of Gabrielle Noyelle! Retain a touch of the moss and feature occasional russetting like apples and pears (Bosc pear, for the best example). Colours will absolutely glisten in the fullness of their maturity. Haven't tried to sow any; I've only had success with native Rosa setigera seeds!
Z5b/Sunset 41 South Central Michigan
Uploaded 25 JAN 23 |
June 2, 2022.
Own root plant from Rogue Valley Roses. Started as band, planted in 2018. A vigorous and prickly lady of considerable heft in the garden. Quite winter hardy; does experience die-back to varying degrees based on severity of winter. Light, fragrant and sticky moss. Moderately scented semi-double apricot-pink blooms that soon fade to near-white. Readily black spots. Little mildew here in the heart of the Great Lakes. Sets hips easily that are lovely in autumn. Easily grows 10'+ a season on new basal breaks and sometimes even large laterals. Could be trained as a climber, but I wouldn't want to touch her that much!
Z5b/Sunset 41 South Central Michigan
Uploaded 19 JAN 23 |
November 25, 2022
Hips of Gabrielle Noyelle! Retain a touch of the moss and feature occasional russetting like apples and pears (Bosc pear, for the best example). Colours will absolutely glisten in the fullness of their maturity. Haven't tried to sow any; I've only had success with native Rosa setigera seeds!
Z5b/Sunset 41 South Central Michigan
Uploaded 25 JAN 23 |
Uploaded 9 JUL 22 |
June, 2021
Very prickly. Fairly winter hardy. Black spot susceptible, little mildew. Could be grown as climber or pegged, but I wouldn't want to handle her that much. Fragrant, sticky light moss on buds and pedicels. Like balsam fir and black pepper to me. Moderately fragrant semi-double blooms in gorgeous soft apricot soon fading near white. Buds look like those of Tea roses. I like to pretend that she is my Northern Garden Safrano substitute! I've noted the information to not prune this hefty lass too much, but I frequently cut back vigorous new growth by 1/3 to 1/2 and she still blooms, grows, and blooms some more!
Z5b/Sunset 41 South Central Michigan
Uploaded 25 JAN 23 |
SEP 20
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 7 OCT 20 |
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