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'Édouard Littaye' rose References
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 83.  
Monsieur Edouard Littaye Tea. Bernaix, 1891. The author cites information from different sources... rosy carmine, tinted light pink, often shaded with violet pink... carmine pink tinted amaranth during expansion, paler pink when the flower is open, the center being violet red...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 424.  
Littaye, Mons. Edouard (tea) Bernaix 1891; carmine-pink, shaded amaranth, center lilac-red, fades to pale pink, large, double, fine habit, floriferous, growth 7/10.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 70.  
Thé. 1437. Édouard Littaye ( ? ), rose carmin
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 80.  
Thé. 1890. Monsieur Édouard Littaye (Bernaix 1891), carmin nuancé
Website/Catalog  (1901)  Page(s) 10.  Includes photo(s).
Novelties in Roses and Varieties of Special Interest
Edouard Littaye (Tea.)
A strong vigorous Rose, after the style if Madame Cusin.  Flowreing most abundantly.  Buds large, long and of fine shape, full and double when open.  Color rosy-carmine, tinted light pink, often shaded with violet pink.  Price 15¢ each; two-year-old plants, 25¢.
(1900)  Page(s) Inside front cover.  Includes photo(s).
Edward Littaye. The buds are beautiful, large, full and firm. and elegantly pointed; as they expand the petals show great depth and richness. The flower is superb when open, extra large and perfectly double. Small pot plants, when planted in open ground, quickly make large, strong bushes that produce, on long, stiff stems, great numbers of perfect flowers that are enchanting in fragrance and delicate brightness. It is a clear rich pink, changing to a silvery rose; healthy; is hardy with ordinary protection.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 131.  
Monsieur Ed. Littaye, thé, Bernaix, 1891, carmin nuancé
Website/Catalog  (1897)  Page(s) 59.  
Tea-Scented Roses and Their Hybrids.
Edouard Littaye  carmine rose, shaded with amaranth at opening, changing to paler rose as the flowers expand; centre violet red; long handsome buds; very free blooming. 
(3 Nov 1894)  Page(s) 9.  
St. Kilda Nursery. The nursery of Messrs Brunning is now in beautiful oondition. [...] Roses are at their best [...] Among the roses are all the best of the new varieties that are obtainable, and most of them are very beautiful. Among the most striking are : — [...] Edouard Llttaye (T.S.), Carmine rose shaded with amaranth at opening, changing to paler rose as the flowers expand; centre violet red.
Magazine  (1892)  Page(s) 12.  
Neueste Rosen für 1892. Züchter A. Bernaix.
Mons. Edouard Littaye. (Thee), langwüchsiger aber nicht kletternder Strauch, Blüte ungemein reich, von schöner Haltung. Knospe von wunderbarer kegeleiförmig Gestalt. Blume beim Eröffnen carminrosa mit amarantrot, später blasser, in der Mitte lilarot.

Mons. Edouard Littaye. (Tea), tall-growing bush but not climbing, blooming tremendously abundantly, of beautiful bearing. Bud a wonderful conical-oval shape. Flower upon opening carmine pink with amaranth red, afterwards paler, lilac red in the centre.
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