'JACcoeur' rose Reviews & Comments
Heirloom Roses carries Gardens of the World. Mine just arrived a few days ago and I repotted it up today. Nice big fat leaves on it.
Mine did get blackspot in a no-spray setting, but it did so in late August, rather than in June, like Neptune did. This is in Oregon.
This rose has good vigor and repeat for an HT, which are some pretty good merits. The blooms are quite nice, and the plant is not a behemoth waste of space. Overall, a nice HT, in my opinion.
Initial post
19 MAR 12 by
K & M Roses offers Garden's of the World - grafted on Fortuniana rootstock.
K & M Roses 1260 Chicora River Road Buckatunna, MS 39322
How can this rose have been "bred in 1993" and introduced in 1991?
If 1991 is the pate of introduction, then this rose can now legally be propagated, and there do seem to be a number of people who would like to have one.
I can vouch for its performance and vigor here in the San Fernando Valley. The one out back gets NO attention. It was planted by a gardener about the time it was introduced and hasn't even really had any pruning or dead heading. It definitely likes light pruning, and in its location (south-west exposure, against the house foundation on a tall, white, stucco wall) seldom sets hips. The spent flowers fall and the peduncles dry up, usually without falling off. There is light rust on older leaves later in the year but never any black spot nor mildew. If at least watered, it flowers like a weed.
I could have this completely wrong, but since there is no indication that the rose was patented I don't think there is any restriction on propagating it anyway.
Nope, you're right, Susan. Another "also ran" rose J&P introduced for a few, brief years then stopped supporting. I guess they figured they'd made all the money they could from it and moved on to other new introductions to push profits. Totally understandable from a business view, but unfortunately leaves some awfully good garden plants as orphans. Yes, it appears there was no patent so it's fair game to propagate it.
Thanks Kim. This rose is listed this morning as "currently available" at Vintage Gardens. Angel Gardens lists it, although I don't know if it is available right now or not.
Fortunately, it roots easily and appears to grow quite well own root. I can send you some if you'd like them.