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'Kate Moulton' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 425.  
Miss Kate Moulton Hybrid Tea. J. Monson/Minneapolis Floral Co., 1906. From 'Mme. Caroline Testout' x an unnamed seedling (which resulted from crossing 'La France' and 'Mrs. W.J. Grant'). The author cites information from different sources... Pink tinted silvery flesh... rosy pink shaded rosy salmon... carnation pink...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 496.  
Moulton, Kate (HT) Monson 1906; Testout X La France X Mrs. W. J. Grant (Siebrecht); carnation-pink, shaded salmon-pink, reverse darker, large, double, fine form, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, long stems, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 16.  
Kate Moulton, carnation-pink
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 32.  
Hybrid Tea Roses .... Kate Moulton (Monson, 1917). Carnation-pink. Extra.
Magazine  (1 Jul 1911)  Page(s) 314.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
Kate Moulton... Hybrid Tea, Monson, 1906, Caroline Testout X La France X Mrs. W. J. Grant
Magazine  (16 Feb 1907)  Page(s) 165.  Includes photo(s).
Rose Miss Kate Moulton.
The accompanying photograph was taken in January at the plant of the Sherman Nursery Co., of Charles City, la. It shows this beautiful rose in its prime, with its length of stem, foliage and blooming capacity at its top notch. Note the luxuriant foliage, the quantity of the full, pregnant buds, also note the resemblance to Richmond in all except color.
The originator, John Monson, has thrown out every other pink rose to plant Miss Kate Moulton in its place, and another year he is planning on planting the entire rose ranch with this variety as a specialty.
Magazine  (Feb 1907)  Page(s) 22.  
Rosiers nouveaux de 1906.
Ont été mises au commerce, l’automne 1906, les roses suivantes:
Kate Moulton (hybride de thé). Obtenteur J. Monson. Arbuste vigoureux, exempt de maladies, très florifère, fleur grande, pleine, porté sur un long pédoncule, uniflore, coloris rose d'oeillet. Très bonne pour forcer. Issu de Madame Caroline Testout x La France x Belle Siebrecht.

New Roses of 1906.
The following roses were introduced into commerce in the autumn of 1906:
Kate Moulton (hybrid tea). Breeder J. Monson. -- Vigorous shrub, disease-free and floriferous, the flower is large and full, supported by a long peduncle, solitary blooms, colored carnation pink. Very good for forcing. Issue of Madame Caroline Testout x La France x Belle Siebrecht.
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 37.  
Rose Nuove del 1907 – Rose ibride di Thee .. Kate Multon - Fiore grande, doppio; peduncolo lunghissimo, a fiori solitari, rosa garofano. Vigorosa, rustica, molto fiorifera e buona per forzare.
Magazine  (15 Sep 1906)  Page(s) 352.  
Kate Moulton is a variety that has only been disseminated and in its first year's trial. Its faults, if any, have not been discovered. I had a bunch sent me from Minneapolis, Minn., which arrived in good condition considering the long journey. It is of a soft shade of pink, globular in form and with good stem although the neck was inclined to be weak. Whether that is a fault or not is to be seen. The variety appears to be a good grower.
Magazine  (31 Mar 1906)  Page(s) 437, 662-463.  Includes photo(s).
p. 437: Mr. Monson has been experimenting in hybridizing roses for many years, and it was after a number of failures that he at last succeeded in getting what he considered at the time was a good flower.
It was about 7 years ago that he first hit upon the right combination, probably more by accident than anything else. Among several seedlings which he had produced was one from Mme. Testout + La France, which he crossed with Belle Siebrecht and from which came Kate Moulton. The name it bears was given to it some time ago, but not generally known, it being called the new pink rose locally. It was in honor of the daughter of the man who aided Mr. Monson financially in his first building venture, and himself a great admirer of flowers.
Kate Moulton is in a class by itself in size of bloom, as well as a free bloomer, it having averaged last year 49 flowers to the plant, of which the greater per cent were on stems 20 to 36 inches in length, and a great many were even longer than this from a batch carried over one year. Its habit is very robust, and it has never known disease of any kind, not even being affected with mildew when adjoining benches were so affected. It has been grown in both the most favorable as well as the lowest and darkest benches on the place, and did phenominally well under all conditions. It does best, however, with a night temperature of 54° to 56°, when the blooms get their best color. Alongside of Liberty it has done as well, but the colors have inclined to a lighter color. If anything it has done better on its own roots than grafted, and Mr. Monson prefers it on its own roots. It is not a heavy cropper, but more of a continuous blooomer, the finest blooms being cut in December and January. It has the very good habit of breaking freely from the bottom at all seasons and producing stems rivaling American Beauty in strength. In the 4 years since it was born it has sported three different times, the first a cream yellow, which was not considered good enough to keep. The other two are being watched very closely as they give promise of making their mark some day. One is a pure white, and the other is a pleasing copper color, both showing the same robust habit as their parent. The treatment in growing Kate Moulton has been the same as given all the ordinary varieties of roses, except as to temperature, it doing well under most any treatment.
Mr. Monson is being overwhelmed with letters of commendation from all over the country where it has been exhibited. The cut flowers have been shipped to Texas, California and the east, and have been on exhibition in good shape for several days after arrival, proving beyond doubt its good keeping qualities. At Oscar Swanson's, in Minneapolis, and Holm & Olson's, in St. Paul, where it has been sold nearly exclusively at retail, the customers will have no other pink rose. No matter how good Chatenay or Bridesmaid are shown them, Kate Moulton sells for 50 to 100 per cent more than these, and so far neither of these firms have been able to supply the demand for them. The rose must be seen to be fully appreciated, as it would require a master's pen to picture it as well as it deserves.
Mr. Monson's range of glass now contains about 120,000 square feet, and is the largest in his section, and he is contemplating adding aljout 35,000 feet more this coming season. It is a modern establishment and speaks very well for the push and energy of the man behind it.

p. 462-463: [advertisement]
The Leading Pink Forcing Rose
Memphis, Tenn., February 18, 1906.
MR. JOHN MONSON, Minneapolis Floral Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Dear Sir:— We received to-day a box of the MISS KATE MOULTON Rose, being out on the road four days, arriving here with no ice in box, but the flowers are in the freshest condition, as if just picked. After placing in ice-box they stiffened up, and they are, without doubt, as fine Pink Roses as we ever saw, and the foliage the grandest on a rose.
Thanking you, we remain. Yours truly,
C. H. Hune, Pres., Treas.
After reaching Memphis, a florist who saw the Roses there took a couple of them with him to Little Rock, Ark., and Mr. Vestal, a prominent Little Rock florist could hardly believe they were so old, for they were in prime condition.
We can tell you many more things about this Rose in praise of it. Write for descriptive letter.
It Is Now a Favorite Everywhere.
IT was awarded the Certificate of Merit at the St. Louis Florists' Show a few weeks ago, and it was allowed by the judges at the Cincinnati Flower Show 90 points towards the S. A. F. medal
At the Lenox Horticultural Society, in Massachusetts, It arrived in splendid condition, and was awarded a First Class Certificate at their meeting March 5, and the members avowed that it was the finest Rose they ever saw.
If you want to see this Rose before you buy, go to the next flower show in your town. Miss Kate Moulton will be there with both feet.
Don't waste any more time, but order right away, as you will feel sore at yourself later on if you cannot get your order filled, and you will be without this beautiful Rose another year.
We are booking orders for April and May delivery; all sold out for March delivery.
These plants are own root. We have also Grafted Stock for which we add 25 per cent to the following prices:
Strong Healthy Plants from Flowering Wood.
In 100 lots from 2 1-2 inch pots , $ 30.00 ; 1000 lots from 2 1-2 inch pots $200.00
In 500 lots from 2 1-2 inch pots 125.00 ; 5,000 or over in 2 J-2 inch pots $175.00 per 1000
Minneapolis, Minn.
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