Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 354. Marco Rambler, Flowers white, center coppery [w], 1905, r. wichuraiana x 'Souv. de Catherine Guillot'; Guillot, P.
Magazine (Dec 1936) Page(s) 135. Marco. — C'est une rose à fleurs doubles, de couleur jaune cuivrée d'un effet splendide. La plante est robuste et vigoureuse.
Book (1936) Page(s) 452. Marco (hybrid wichurana) Guillot 1904; R. Wich. X Sv. Cath. Guillot; white, centre deep copper to reddish orange-yellow, reverse dawn-white, medium size, well double, fine form, growth 8/10, climbing, 2 m.
Book (1936) Page(s) 114. Rosai sarmentosi non rifiorenti, a piccoli fiori riuniti a mazzi. Wichuraiani ed ibridi. Marco. Fiore color rame scuro e giallo aranciato, carminato.
Magazine (Jun 1929) Page(s) 67. Marco (P. Guillot, 1910), Wich. x Souvenir de Cath. Guillot, fleur pleine, blanche, à centre cuivré et orangé, pourtour blanc aurore, vig.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) 63. Marco. White, center deep copper and carmine-orange. 1 piece M 6.-, 100 pieces M 500.-
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 51. Rosiers hybrides de Wichuraïana.... Marco. Fl. blanc à centre cuivré foncé et jaune orange carminé.
Magazine (15 Jul 1911) Page(s) 338. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Marco... Hybrid Wichuraiana, Guillot, 1904, R. wichuraiana X Souv. de Catherine Guillot
Book (1911) Page(s) 68. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Marco. — A yellowish copper fading to white. The flowers are borne on long stems and are full and very perfectly shaped. An early flowering Rose.
Book (1909) Page(s) 237. Marco, fl. pleine, moyenne, blanc à centre cuivré et orangé.