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'Canarienvogel' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 44.  
Polyantha and their Hybrids (Dwarf Bedding Types)
No pruning necessary except to remove the past season's flower stems.
Canarienvogel... Golden yellow and orange. Medium size. Full. Freely produced. Beautiful. Introduced 1904.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 124.  
Canarienvogel (Pol) Welter 1904; Et. de Mai x Sv. Cath. Guillot; golden-yellow with orange, stained pink and purple, small to medium, double, upright, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 8.  
Canarienvogel, golden-yellow; class: Polyantha; habit of growth: dwarf.
Magazine  (1918)  Page(s) 259.  
"Mildew-Resistant Roses: With Some Suggestions as to Increasing Their Number" By Walter Easlea, F.R.H.S.
[Read July 17, 1917; Mr. W. H. Divers, V.M.H., in the Chair.]
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 35.  
Polyantha Pompons (Bedding Types).
No pruning necessary except to remove the past season's flower stems.
Canarienvogel... N. Welter, 1904, dwarf. Golden-yellow and orange; medium size, full, freely produced, beautiful.
Book  (1914)  Page(s) 270.  
Canarienvogel, Tea, yellow.
Magazine  (20 May 1911)  Page(s) 243.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
Canarienvogel... Perpetual Pompon*, Welter, 1904, Etoile de Mai X Souvenir de C. Guillot

*i.e., dwarf Polyantha
Website/Catalog  (1911)  Page(s) 30.  
Dwarf Polyantha. Canarienvogel. Golden yellow and orange; the opening buds are most beautiful.
Book  (1908)  Page(s) 133.  
Canarienvogel. Welter, 1904. Golden yellow, flaked with orange and rose.
Magazine  (1907)  Page(s) 40.  
In this delightful group we have Canarienvogel, a Rose resembling Eugenie Lamesch, but, perhaps, more upright in growth.
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