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'Mrs. Harold Alston' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 82-794
most recent 27 JAN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JAN 15 by Give me caffeine
If you want a picture of this rose for the site, why not use one of Eric Timewell's from the Wikipedia page for the Alister Clark Garden?

'Mrs. Harold Alston' is on that page, as are a couple of dozen other Clark roses, and the quality of the shots is excellent. The photographer is a member here, and has licensed the images on that page as Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, so there should be no worries about using them.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 27 JAN 15 by Patricia Routley
Eric is a valued member of HelpMefind and contributes many photos. We'd rather he contribute them himself than us contribute his photos. I am sure it just depends on how much is on the plate at any one time.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 27 JAN 15 by Give me caffeine
Fair nuff. Well if anyone wants to see what it looks like, that page is the place to go.
Discussion id : 43-843
most recent 11 APR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 APR 10 by Patricia Routley
The parentage of 'Sunny South' x unknown for the 1940 Alister Clark rose 'Mrs. Harold Alston' first appeared in 2003. Does anybody have an earlier reference to the parentage?
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