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'Mrs. Harold Brookes' rose References
Book  (28 Mar 2010)  
‘Mrs. Harold Brookes’ HT, mr, 1931, Clark, A.; flowers very bright red, large, dbl., cupped, moderate fragrance; foliage light; vigorous, bushy growth. [Frau Oberhofgartner Singer × Firebrand]. Introductions: NRS Victoria
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 118.  Includes photo(s).
Mrs. Harold Brookes was born Dorothy Clare Bird……
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 13.  
Mrs. Harold Brookes – 1931. Large Flowered Bush rose, fragrant, very bright red flowers. No longer available
Magazine  (1997)  Page(s) 28. Vol 19, No. 1.  
Elizabeth and Andrew Govanstone. The Women Behind the Roses. People who Alister knew through horticultural circles included .... and Mrs. Harold Brookes (1931) from ‘Flinthill’, Woodend (the rose won a Certificate of Merit from Portland, USA).
Book  (1997)  Includes photo(s).
p222 There was little room left on the bank when I made an exciting find. One of the Alister Clark roses which I had so far found no trace of was ‘Mrs. Harold Brookes’, released in Victoria in 1931. John Brookes, her son, had told me that his mother had lived outside Woodend in a house called Doyswood. So, following his instructions, I set out to find it. The house was gone, burnt down, and a new one built in its place. The old fellow who now owns the place spoke little English, but I managed to discover that there had been some roses there, and he had dug a few of them out and planted them in front of his new home. Without much hope, I took cuttings of the three roses there. “Doyswood No. 2” flowered first – quite a pretty, if undistinguished, salmon-pink. Not what I was looking for. “Doyswood No. 1” flowered next and was identical. Two months went past before Doyswood No. 3” opened its first reluctant bud and it was bright red. I had three cuttings struck, so I planted two and gave the third to John and Marion Brookes to watch. John was sure he would recognise it, by the foliage and scent as well as by the flower. After all, he had grown up with it. It was an exciting day when he rang to say that this was it. And he was relying not only on his own memory. His sister from Sydney had been visiting him. He had not mentioned the rose. But when they went round the garden, she stopped in front of it and said: “You didn’t tell me you had ‘Mrs. Harold Brookes’.” So she occupies the last space on my Red Bank. The second plant went into the Alister Clark garden.

p226. Picture. ‘Mrs. Harold Brookes’.

p252 . ‘Mrs. Harold Brookes’. – HT, 1931. ‘Frau Oberhofgartner Singer’ x ‘Firebrand’. Large, double, fragrant, very bright red flowers borne recurrently. Our plant found at her old home and identified by her son John Brookes and his sister.
Newsletter  (1995)  Page(s) 17. Vol 4, No. 1.  
Mrs. Harold Brookes. HT. 1931. Alister Clark. Frau Oberhofgartner Singer x Firebrand.
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 121.  
Mrs. Harold Brookes Hybrid Tea 1931. 'Frau Oberhofgärtner Singer' x 'Firebrand'... very bright red flowers...
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 121.  
Mrs. Harold Brookes. Rich red. 1931. Bed. Sc.
Magazine  (1979)  Page(s) 6. Vol 1, No. 3.  
Mrs. Harold Brookes. 1931. intro. NRSV, HT, large double cupped, fragrant, very bright red. Foliage light, vigorous and bushy. Frau Oberhofgartner Singer x Firebrand.
Book  (1945)  Page(s) 44.  
Alister Clark. Rose Roundabout. When in England I visited a celebrated private garden and found that the staff numbered over fifty, so how can we hope to have anything approaching such wonderful displays with one or two gardeners, and sometimes none, so I realise that I am only playing at gardening now, and feel overwhelmed, but within an hour’s drive some really beautiful gardens are to be seen about the Mount Macedon and the Woodend district, where the rainfall is more bountiful. Such gardens as that of ..... and Mr. Harold Brookes, at Woodend, are really reminiscent of the dear Old Country.
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