'Goldmarie '84' rose References
Book (2004) Page(s) 98. Includes photo(s). Goldmarie 82® Description
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 45. Goldmarie Rated 7.4
Book (2001) Page(s) 47. Goldmarie Floribunda, deep yellow, 1984. Rating: 7.4
Website/Catalog (31 Dec 1998) Page(s) 56. Includes photo(s).
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 203. Includes photo(s). Goldmarie 84 (KORfalt, 'Gold Marie') Cluster-flowered. Parentage: (['Arthur Bell' x 'Zorina'] x ['Honeymoon' x 'Dr. A.J. Verhage']) x (seedling x 'Friesia'). Reimer Kordes 1984. Description.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 220. KORfalt, Floribunda, dark yellow, 1984, ('Goldmarie 82); (('Arthur Bell' x 'Zorina') x ('Honeymoon' x 'Dr. A.J. Verbage')) x (Seedling x 'Sunsprite'); Kordes, W.; Kordes Sons. Flowers deep yellow, red on reverse of outer petal, double (35 petals), large; slight fragrance; foliage medium, medium green, glossy; bushy growth
Book (1988) Page(s) 22. E. F. Allen, Awards to Third Year Rose Seedlings in Great Britain in 1986. KORfalt, a Cluster Flower, by Kordes, with golden yellow flowers which have little scent. It has excellent foliage. Trial Ground Certificate.
Website/Catalog (1988) Page(s) 19. Replaces an earlier Kordes… Hardy through Zone 5.
Book (1985) Page(s) 21. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses for 1985. Goldmarie Floribunda (Kordes) A yellow edged bronze bloom of about 20 petals in a good cluster. This is a particularly free flowering type, with deep green foliage which is very disease resistant.