'Good News' rose References
Book (2011) Page(s) 58. location G:222, Bonne Nouvelle, Meilland, F. 1939, HT, light yellowish pink, center apricot, very large, double, moderate fragrance, medium-tall
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 45. Good News Rated 5.1
Book (2001) Page(s) 47. Good News Hybrid Tea, pink blend, 1940. Rating: 5.1
Book (1960) Page(s) 71. H. K. Cresswell, Growing Roses in Brisbane. Among the pinks most successful for showing are: Editor McFarland and Bonne Nouvelle are also moderately strong in growth and blooming habits.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 11. BONNE NOUVELLE (F. Meilland 1939). Saumon orangé, belle carnation pâle.
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 141. Good News (Bonne Nouvelle in France). HT. (F. Meilland; int. C-P, '40.) (Radiance X Souv. de Claudius Pernet) X (Joanna Hill X Comtesse Vandal). Very large (5-6 in.), dbl. (50 petals), globular, fragrant, silvery pink, center tinged apricot; strong stem. Vig., bushy; abundant bloom. (28) Pl. Pat. 426 (expired).
Book (1958) Page(s) 37. Bonne Nouvelle. French name for Good News.
Book (1951) Page(s) 45. Rose Nomenclature By the Editor As no doubt some of our members are aware, a very unsatisfactory situation with respect to Rose names has arisen within the past few years due to the practice of certain large commercial firms in re-naming Roses of European origin, contrary to and in defiance of "International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature" and its supplementary schedule known as Appendix VII (Nomenclature of Garden Plants). Valid Name: Bonne Nouvelle Re-christened: Good News
Magazine (Jun 1950) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 42. Golden Dawn, Mme Jules Bouché, Bonne-Nouvelle, Maréchal Niel, ont une odeur de thé.
Book (1950) Page(s) 12. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1950. Bonne Nouvelle HT. (F. Meilland 1940) Sent out in France just after war commenced, this is hardly a novelty in the general accepted sense. It is, however, new to Australia. The blooms are deep coppery pink flushed apricot and toning to shell pink on the outer face. It is a good grower and a very fine addition. Contrary to all regulations the name has been translated to Good News in U.S.A.