'Dividend' rose References
Magazine (Feb 2010) Page(s) Vol 22, No. 1. John Nieuwesteeg: 'Dividend' I received from Miss Alice Jeffrey of Kew. It is a tea rose, golden yellow, with a strong scent. So far the growth is poor.
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 4. Includes photo(s). Dividend. Hybrid Tea, 1931. Clark, Australia. Double. Fragrant. Prickles absent or nearly so. Evergreen, recurrent. 1.1m x 0.9m., deep yellow.
[Picture inside front cover, second last line.]
Book (1999) Page(s) 12. Dividend – 1931. Franz Deegan cross. Large Flowered Bush rose. Globular bud. Semi--double, slight fragrance, well formed, rich yellow flowers, repeating. Glossy, deep green foliage. Few prickles. Flower 40 petals, 90mm, 1 to 5. Bush 1m x 1m.
[Note – the picture portrayed is a pink rose, certainly not rich yellow]
Book (1999) Page(s) 28. Dividend. Clark. Australia. 1931. HT. yellow. [available from] Golden Vale, Melville.
Website/Catalog (1998) Page(s) 3. Dividend. Hybrid tea. 1931. A. Clark, Aust. Double. Fragrant. Few or no prickles. Recurrent or continuous. 1.0m x 0.8m. Deep yellow.
Book (1997) Page(s) 251. Includes photo(s). Picture in between p226-227
Dividend. H.T. 1931. ‘Franz Deegen’ x unknown. Double, globular, golden yellow blooms, lightly scented. Found through Alice Jeffries.
Book (1996) Page(s) 40. Dividend. Clark. Australia. 1931. Hybrid Tea. yellow. [available from] Golden Vale.
Newsletter (1995) Page(s) 17. Vol 4, No. 1. Dividend. T (HT?) 1931. Alister Clark. Franz Deegan sdlg.
Book (1994) Page(s) 119. Dividend Hybrid Tea 1931. 'Franz Deegen' x unknown... golden yellow blooms...
Magazine (1990) Page(s) 8. Vol 12, No. 1. J. Nieuwesteeg. Victoria. Alister Clark Roses. Update November 30, 1989. We now think we have Dividend...... at Coome [Coombe] Cottage we came across a semi-double yellow Tea rose with beautifully formed buds and bronze new foliage. I feel this is very likely Dividend, 1931. I have a lead on someone who should readily confirm this one, so time will tell if my guess is correct.
[This Coombe Cottage foundling was possibly "Vestey's Yellow", and not 'Dividend'