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'Little Dragon' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 75-155
most recent 10 OCT 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 NOV 13 by Patricia Routley
In a phone call today, Swiss Rose Garden say they did not introduce 'Little Dragon'. They do stock it but know nothing about it or the parentage.
Reply #1 of 9 posted 22 NOV 13 by Simon Voorwinde
This has been the biggest surprise purchase for the season, Patricia. The bush, so far, is very upright in classical HT form, however, the foliage has been very healthy and the bush very strong. I wasn't expecting it to be as vigorous or as healthy as it has been. I don't like the plant form... but it might be a worthwhile breeder of healthy striped minis. My plant came from Thomas for Roses.
Reply #2 of 9 posted 23 NOV 13 by Patricia Routley
Perhaps someone in South Australia could contact Thomas for Roses for more information. Or Laurie Newman may know more about the breeder or date. The first mention to it in the references is 2001.
Reply #3 of 9 posted 3 DEC 13 by Margaret Furness
Glenyse is trying to find the list of budwood someone gave them (with his name on the list). It included this one, 'Teddy Bear' and several Aus-breds.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 4 DEC 13 by Simon Voorwinde
It would be pretty awesome if it turned out to be an Aussie-bred rose. I have used it in one pollination so far to test for fertility. Makes lots of anthers so a little later will be testing it for pollen viability too.

EDIT 2nd Jan. 2014: Does not set hips. Pollen fertile.
Reply #5 of 9 posted 19 FEB 14 by Simon Voorwinde
Any progress on this?
Reply #6 of 9 posted 19 FEB 14 by Michael Garhart
In America, stores will sell a handpainted bicolor mini called "Little Pete", which is in fact one 'Show n' Tell'. Long story short: sometimes roses get lost in the sales machine.

It is not Earthquake, however. It is similar, but Earthquake is a very lazy plant, and so it likes to tumble up then down. This rose here looks more upright.
Reply #7 of 9 posted 20 FEB 14 by Simon Voorwinde
Very upright.. like a little typical HT around a foot-and-a-half tall. I did think it might have been 'Earthquake' at some stage. Mine is grafted so is being pushed pretty hard by the root stock. I intend to try and strike cuttings over winter to see what the real habit is like.
Reply #8 of 9 posted 10 OCT 22 by Clairose
Hi Patricia
I do believe Little dragon is a Ralph Moore mini. I do grow a few of his rosses and was doing some research some time ago. After Ralph died a few years back the nursery and stock was abandoned , very sad. probably all housing estates now
Regards Bev Linden in Highfields near Toowoomba
Reply #9 of 9 posted 10 OCT 22 by Johno
While additional Ralph Moore roses were released following his death, I doubt Little Dragon is one of them. This bright little rose could hardly leave unnoticed the US where it appears to be unknown and there are no reports. All HMF photos are from Australians.
Combined Rose List 2022 gives a release date of 2006 and only lists The Swiss Rose Garden Nursery.
The 2001 Rose Annual reference indicates it was grown in Australia well before Ralph's death in 2009.
Discussion id : 77-364
most recent 27 MAR 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAR 14 by Simon Voorwinde
Pollen fertile. Doesn't form hips.
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