'Armande' rose References
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 305. Armande Gallica. Becquet. Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
Book (1834) Page(s) 32. ROSIER DE PROVINS. ---Rosa gallica Linn. Les Violettes. Armande, ou Marguerite.
Website/Catalog (1830) Page(s) 14. ROSA gallica. Fleurs violettes. —Armande...1 50 fr.
Book (1828) Page(s) 40. Provins. Armande. (Versailles, Lahaye). Fl. pourpre-violet-foncé.
Translation: Armande. (Versailles, Lahaye). Flower is a deep violet purple.
Book (1826) Page(s) 510. Provins. Armande. Fleurs très-doubles, régulières, d'un pourpre violet foncé, très-nombreuses.
Translation: Provins. Armande. Flowers are very double, well-shaped, and of a deep violet purple; very numerous.