'Gruss an Aachen' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Uliginosa
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Light pink Floribunda. Registration name: Gruss an Aachen (hybrid tea, Hinner 1909) Exhibition name: Gruss an Aachen
Found Rose, Floribunda, Hybrid Tea, Polyantha.
Light pink, salmon-pink center, yellow undertones, red highlights, ages to cream . Colour varies. Mild, sweet fragrance. 40 to 50 petals. Average diameter 4". Medium to large, very full (41+ petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, nodding or "weak neck", old-fashioned, rosette bloom form. Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Medium. Large, medium green, leathery foliage.
Height: 18" to 3' (45 to 90cm). Width: 18" to 3' (45 to 90cm).
USDA zone 4b through 9b. Can be used for beds and borders, container rose, cut flower or garden. Blooms tend to ball in wet weather. shade tolerant. Spring Pruning: Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood and cut back canes that cross. In warmer climates, cut back the remaining canes by about one-third. In colder areas, you'll probably find you'll have to prune a little more than that. Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) . Can be grown in the ground or in a container (container requires winter protection).
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
David Austin classifies this rose as an English Rose because it has some much in common with what he regards as the ideal English Rose. In his 2001/2002 catalog, Peter Beales lists this rose as a China.
Sam Kedem says 'Gruss an Aachen' is considered to be the first floribunda rose. The color of the blooms varies with the temperature.