'JACveryp' rose References
Magazine (Jan 2005) Page(s) 3. 2004 Roses in Review: Top Ten Big Roses; – Garden Ratings; Number of reports = 190; ratings = 8.0
Magazine (2005) Page(s) 4. 2004 Roses In Review – Floribundas & Polyanthas: Garden rating = 8.0; Show rating = 7.4; Number of reports = 190 - Constant bloom with good color and form on a solid plant. Stems can be weak and let blooms nod. Winter protect.
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 6. 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' See Shining Hope
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 6. Shining Hope Floribunda [pb]
Article (magazine) (Oct 2000) Page(s) 34. JACveryp (Shining Hope™) Floribunda; Keith Zary' Bear Creek Gardens, Inc.