'Apricot Silk' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 20. Rated 6.5
Book (2000) Page(s) 88. Includes photo(s). ‘Apricot Silk’ = Hybride de Thé – tons abricot, remontant. La beauté de cette rose est dans son coloris, une fusion d’orange doux et de rouge orangé clair… hélas aussi éphémère sur le rosier qu’en vase, et presque sans parfum… Gregory, UK, 1965. Semis x ‘Souvenir de Jacques Verschuren’.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 25. Apricot Silk Hybrid Tea, apricot, 1965, 'Souv. de Jacques Verschuren' x Seedling; Gregory. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 170. Includes photo(s). Apricot Silk Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: Unknown x 'Souvenir de Jacques Verschuren'. England 1965. Description and cultivation... Flowers: orange-apricot to red shades... susceptible to black spot, rust and mildew...
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 374. Apricot Silk Gregory (UK) 1965. Parentage: Unknown x 'Souvenir de Jacques Verschuren'. Description and cultivation... orange-apricot to red flowers...
Book (1988) Page(s) 130, 131. Includes photo(s). Page 130: [Photot] Page 131: Apricot Silk Introduced by Gregory in 1965. Description... Susceptible to disease...
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 54. Apricot Silk. High centred, fragrant, apricot with dark glossy foliage. Vigorous and upright. 1965. Medium. Cant. 1975.
Book (1973) Page(s) 88. Nigel Raban. The Men Behind the New Roses. C. W. Gregory. ....In the following year, 1965, Gregory's introduced their hybrid tea 'Apricot Silk' (unnamed seedling x 'Souvenir de Jacques Verschuren') which although it received no award, is one of Mr. Gregory's favourites after 'Wendy Cussons' on account of its decorative form and fine apricot colouring which does not fade with age.
Book (1971) p23. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Apricot Silk HT. (Gregory). Long buds, with a decorative open flower of about 27 petals. Light perfume, and very free flowering. ('Souvenir de Jacques Verschuren' x unknown.)
p154. Mr. W. G. Treloar, Victoria. The New Ones. Apricot Silk (Gregory). A rose of unusual colour with long buds one to a stem and the bush is tall and vigorous. The colour and elegant form makes this one worth growing.
Book (1970) Page(s) 155. Mr. W. G. Treloar, Portland, Victoria. The New Ones. Apricot Silk The rich apricot, slender buds are produced on a healthy bush with upright growth. A top quality garden rose.