'Wellesley' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 753. Wellesley (HT) Montgomery 1905; Liberty X Bridesmaid; deep carnation-pink, outer petals light silver, medium to large, double, lasting, fragrance 6/10, repeats, long stems, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 24. Hybrid Teas, Teas and Pernetiana. Wellesley. Hybrid Tea. (Waban Conservatories, 1905.) Liberty X Bridesmaid. Bright, soft pink; outer petals rose; reflex silver-pink. Fine form, upright.
Book (1926) Page(s) 58. Chas. E. F. Gersdorff. Budded and Own-Root Roses. ....and 'Wellesley' also proved to be long-lived, having grown without replacement ten to twenty years. In this connection it might be well to note particularly that 'Wellesley' because it is so blessed, should be freely planted as a grand substitute for that fine old rose 'La France', which so often dies when least desired.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) [4]. Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties $1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 Wellesley. A most fragrant garden Rose of a beautiful shade of pink; vigorous, healthy grower, remarkably free-flowering, with fine keeping qualities.
Magazine (19 Aug 1911) Page(s) 404. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Wellesley... Hybrid Tea, M. Natick, 1905, Bridesmaid X Liberty
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 44. Wellesley HT. Beautiful shade of pink, bright and clear; large, full, and of fine form; free flowering.
(1908) Page(s) 61. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Wellesley... vigorous, bright clear pink, silvery reflex, large and full, free.
Magazine (Feb 1906) Page(s) 26. Rosiers Nouveaux 1905 Les nouveautés dont nous donnons la nomenclature ci-dessous, nous ont été annoncées par nos collègues de la Presse horticole, n'ayant pas reçu directement les prospectus des obtenteurs, en langue française. Wellesley (Hybride de thé). Obtenteur A. Montgomery, à Natick, Massachusset (Amérique). — Arbuste vigoureux provenant de Bridesmaid X Liberty; fleur grande, pleine, odorante, coloris rose d'œillet foncé, bordé d'argenté plus clair.
Book (1906) Page(s) 176. Wellesley, a Hybrid Tea raised by Alex. Montgomery, 1904. A rose for forcing; rich pink, large flower.
Magazine (24 Dec 1904) Page(s) 788. Alex. Montgomery spoke of the new rose Wellesley, which has now passed its third year, being a seedling in the second generation, the original crosses being Liberty and Bridesmaid. He told of its prolific flowering qualities, saying that it gave two flowers to one as compared with Bridesmaid.