'Sweet Nothings ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
15 JAN 16 by
matt N
This rose has been a workhorse! It is ever blooming, disease free, moderate fragrance, heat tolerant and cold tolerant. I have it growing at my Mom's place in Missouri z6 and at my place in TX z8b. A very tough plant- just like it's 'earthkind' parent 'la marne'. The coloring is a nice also. I highly recommend it!
Although classified as a miniature, I think this rose has more in common with the smaller polyanthas. It takes a lot of the characteristics of La Marne and adds a few more petals with a new color. Very good winter hardiness and does not need winter hardiness for an average winter here in zone 5b (only suffered tip damage this year). Excellent disease resistance including very good resistance to blackspot. A nice bushy habit and it is covered in blooms throughout the growing season - once it starts blooming it does not stop until frost. Excellent rose!!!
Dec 4th 2008, Sweet Nothings is putting out fresh new growth and buds in Central Georgia. I love this plant!
Initial post
24 APR 07 by
Unregistered Guest
Where can I order this rose from? I live in the south and hate using chemicals in my garden. This rose thrives here and never gets black spot.