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'President' rose References
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 392.  
President Tea (Adam Paul 1860)
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 582.  
Président (tea) A. Paul 1860, lilac-flesh-pink = Adam (Adam 1833).
Book  (1922)  Page(s) 423.  
[in the listing of roses in commerce] President (T.) Flower rose, shaded with salmon, large, good form. Growth moderate.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 80.  
Thé. 1918. Président (W. Paul 1860), rose
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 147.  
Président, thé, A. Paul, 1860, rose lilacé, syn. Adam
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 98.  
Le Président, thé, voir Président
Website/Catalog  (1894)  Page(s) 184.  
Tea-Scented Roses and Their Hybrids.
President  Rose shaded with salmon; very large, and of good form; one of the best.
Book  (1894)  Page(s) 285.  
President, T., Paul & Son (1860), rose salmon, large, vigorous.
Magazine  (1889)  Page(s) 283.  
The following Roses bracketed together have been regarded as synonymous, according to the rule adopted by the National Rose Society; and the name standing first in each case, being believed to be the original name, is considered for the purpose of the preceding Digest as the ruling name of the Rose.
Book  (1889)  Page(s) 30.  Includes photo(s).
Souvenir d'un ami ...Open bloom and bud, said to have been bred by an unknown amateur, commercialized 1846 by the French breeder Bellot de Fougère in 1846. This rose has the curious misfortune to be confused with quite a number of different varieties, with which she is however absolutely not identical.
a) Queen Victoria, whose breeder and year of introduction could not be ascertained, is more yellow, although very similar in form.
b) Adam, breeder Adam 1838.
c) Président, from the english breeder Paul & Son 1860.
She is somewhat similar in colour to the last two named sorts, but very different in form and growth. The colour is pure pink, most beautiful flat cup form, blooms nodding on long stems, also an excellent forcing rose.
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