'Madame Marcel Delanney' rose References
Article (misc) (1950) Page(s) 117. In 1915, Mme. Marcel Delanney (Hybrid Tea, Leenders, Holland) won a Gold Medal at Bagatelle.
Book (1936) Page(s) 199. Delauney, Mme. Marcel (HT) M. Leenders 1915; tender pink, shaded hydrangea-pink, very large, very double, fine form, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 6/10, bushy, dense. = [similar to] H. Schönfeld. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 25. Everblooming Roses The so-called Everblooming Roses include the Hybrid Tea and Pernetiana groups. They do not bloom all the time, but if kept healthy and growing steadily, one crop of flowers succeeds another at brief intervals. Madame Marcel Delanney. Hybrid Tea. (M. Leenders & Co., 1916.) Clear, silvery blooms, lightly shaded with lilac, exquisitely formed and fragrant. Plant is moderately vigorous, with average foliage and fair blooming qualities. There is no lovelier Rose in cultivation than this, but it does not bloom very freely at times. Best in early fall.
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 103, 105(photo). Includes photo(s). Madame Marcel Delanney (1915) (Hybride de thé). Fl. gr., pl. et de forme parfaite, portée sur une longue tige solide. Couleur rose tendre nuancé de rose-hortensia très tendre.
Book (1926) Page(s) 48. Mme. Marcel Delanney (M. Leenders & Co., 1916) soft pink flowers of exquisite form, with the most tender nuances of color. Foliage is rather bad, but it is a fairly good rose at that.
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 55. General List. (171) Mme. Marcel Delanney (HT. Leenders 1915) F. 4. ......Has many of the qualities of 'Jonkheer J. L. Mock'.....
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 43. General List. (147) Mme. Marcel Delanney (HT. Leenders 1915) F. 1. .....semi-double.....does well in tropical climates like India and Siam. B. S.
Website/Catalog (1923) Page(s) 35. Hybrid Tea Roses .... Madame Marcel Delanney (M. Leenders & Co., 1916). Soft pink mottled with hydrangea-pink. Beautiful soft coloured rose! The blooms are very large, very double and fragrant. A forcing and cutting rose of first rank. Gold Medal in Paris.
Magazine (Mar 1922) Page(s) 18. "New Roses for the Garden" by Charles E. F. Gersdorff Pale to Light Pinks. Selections of merit in this group include... Mme. Marcel Delanney by Leenders, 1916 [...] Mme. Marcel Delanney is of distinct coloring, a soft pale rose-pink shaded hydrangea pink, the flowers being large, full, and fragrant, fine of form on good stems. The vigorous plants are very free blooming.
Website/Catalog (1922) Page(s) 25. (76) Madame Marcel Delanney (HT) (Leenders). F. 1. Pale pink, shading to deeper tones. Splendid shape, and carried very erect. Quite distinct in colour, and well worth growing.