'Ibrido di Castello' rose References
Article (magazine) (2021) Page(s) 13-14. In 1923 or 24, Attilio Ragionieri of Italy used Baroni's lutea simplex to cross it with the famous Noisette rose 'Lamarque', breeding the rambler 'Di Castello' (also 'Ibrido di Castello'), a light yellow flower with a deeper yellow center.
Book (2003) Page(s) 32. 'Ibrido di Castello' (Ragionieri, c. 1920). Rosa banksiae 'Lutescens' x Lamarque Perhaps the prettiest of all the Banksian roses, the flowers of 'Ibrido di Castello' are about 4 cm in diameter, cream at first and fading to white, fully double, sometimes with a button eye, but always with many small petals inside and usually borne in small clusters. Their scent is delicious, a mixture of Tea and violets. The plant has typical R. banksiae foliage and a slight tendency to blackspot. The new growths are a bronze colour, which would indicate chlorosis in other roses but is common in the young leaves of R. banksae hybrids. 'Ibrido di Castello' is less vigorous than 'Lutescens' but hardier. An established plant also has the fat, excorticating trunk typical of all the Banksians.
Book (2003) Page(s) 31. 'Ibrido di Castello'
Book (1983) Page(s) 26. Banksiae Hybride di Castello (1920) A very beautiful hybrid between R. banksiae lutescens and the noisette ‘Lamarque’. It has pure white, large, double flowers and is a vigorous grower.
Book (1981) Page(s) 113. [From the article "Italian Rose Breeders" by Stelvio Coggiatti:] .... Later he scored some successes from seedlings of Rosa banksiae lutea X 'Lamarque' which resulted in a noteworthy variety, 'Banksiae di Castello'....Both Ragionieri's 'Banksiae di Castello' and Baroni's Banksian seedlings were grown in the Municipal Rose Garden in Rome, and in Professor Fineschi's famous rose garden.
Magazine (May 1955) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 25. [From "Les Roses hybrides Italiennes" by Giuliana Eva Mameli-Calvino, pp. 25-27] Après Baroni, le Dr Attilio Ragionieri (bien connu comme pionnier de l'hybridation des Freesies des Oeillets,, des Amaryllis et Crinum, des Richardies, des Dieffenbachies, etc..) proposa d'obtenir, par croisement des Roses « Banksiae » à fleurs précoces et de plus longue durée. Il croisa des formes simples à fleur blanche et à fleur jaune, avec des Roses appartenant à différents types. Il obtint après des milliers de croisements, dix plantes seulement desquelles la première à fleurir fût le croisement « R. Banksiae lutea fl. simple x R. Noisettiana Lamarque », qui a été décrite et représentée pour la première fois dans le « Garden's Chronicle » de Londres du 2-8-1924, avec la nom de « Banksiae du Château ».
Book (1954) Page(s) 88. Hybride di Castello. (Ragionieri, 1920) is a cross between R. banksiae lutescens (single yellow) and the Noisette ‘Lamarque’, with large, double, pure white flowers. [1954 Roy E. Shepherd “History of the Rose”. 1978 reproduction.]
Magazine (Dec 1936) Page(s) 141. La rose ne pouvait échapper à l'attention de A. RAGIONJERI, ce passionné de fleurs, chercheur curieux, connaisseur profond de la génétique, qui a travaillé à l'amélioration d'innombrables plantes, depuis le grain jusqu'aux fruits, depuis les plantes horticoles jusqu'aux muguets, aux plantes de serres, aux nombreux bulbeux. Il obtint une hybride reflorissante Alma M. Lami, actuellement disparue, une hybride de rose Gigantea, et une hybride de rose Banksiæ : Rose Banksiæ Hybride de Castello, obtenue en fécondant la Banksiae Lutea à fleurs simples de Baroni avec une ancienne Noisettiana : Lamarque.
Magazine (1928) Page(s) 132. It is a cumulative issue (vol. 8 - 11, 1928 - 1931) and, thus, it is not clear the date of the snips.
La Rosa Banksiae Ibrida di Castello. – (Rosa Banksiae lutea fl. simpl. X Noisettiana Lamarque. Vedesi “Costa Azzurra Agricola-Floreale” – maggio 1926). Esposta, come i nostri lettori sanno, dal nostro illustre collaboratore, Dott. Attilio Ragionieri, al Concorso delle rose mediterranee di Barcellona, ha fiorito in aprile, producendo bei fiori grandi e molto più profumati della R. Bankisae comune, come del resto era da prevedersi per l’influenza della pianta che provvide il polline: il Gen. Lamarque. Il Dr. Ragionieri ci informa che ultimamente (alla fine di aprile) ebbe fiori da un ibrido di R. Banksiae, i cui fiori sono di color rosa carneo. Translation Rosa Banksiae Ibrida di Castello. – (Rosa Banksiae lutea fl. simpl. X Noisettiana Lamarque. See “Costa Azzurra Agricola-Floreale” – may 1926). Presented to the Rose Trial of Barcellona, as our readers know, by our illustrious colleague Dott. Attilio Ragionieri, it bloomed in april producing beautiful and large flowers, more scented than the common R. Bankisae, as you would have expected becouse of the influence of the plant that provided the pollen: Gen. Lamarque. Dr. Ragionieri informs us that he lately (end of april) got flesh coloured flowers from an hybrid of R. banksiae.
Magazine (2 Aug 1924) Page(s) 73. Rosa Banksiae Hyb. Di Castello In the Gardeners' Chronicle, January 5, 1878, page 22, was published a note by Dr. Fenzi of Florence, concerning three single-flowered (two white, one yellow) varieties of Rosa banksiae, raised in 1868 by the late Paolo Baroni, curator of the Botanic Garden dei Simplici, Florence, from seeds harvested from a double-flowered variety of this species. Dr. Fenzi's note indicates that these varieties were bearing every year a certain quantity of fertile seeds. Some twelve years ago through the kindness of the late Professor Baccarini, directory of the Botanic Garden, I received two plants of these single varieties, one white, the other yellow coloured, and I planted them in my garden side by side. They are now covering a wall some metres high, facing east, and bear every year early in April a profusion of pretty, single, sweet-scented flowers, that are unfortunately ephemeral. But, strange to say, I have not been able to gather a fruit from those plants except after cross-fertilisation, which is strongly contrasted with the fertility noted above in the Botanic Garden of Florence. For eight years I have made many attempts to cross-fertilise these single varieties, and I find that obtaining fertile seeds by this means is not an easy matter. Owing to the autosterility of both those varieties and the absence of any other species or variety of Roses blooming in my garden at the same time; the work of hybridation is very simple and consists only in the pollenisation of the stigmas without any preparation of the flower. As a consequence of the earliness of flowering it is a little difficult to procure pollen of other species and varieties, except from forced plants. For my experiments I have been able to make use of the pollen of the following species and varieties:—Rosa gigantea, R. bengalensis fl. roseo pleno, Fortune's Yellow, Lamarque, Candeur Lyonais (HP), Climbing Caroline Testout (HT), Safrano (T), Maréchal Niel (T), Climbing Frau Karl Druschki (HP), Etoile de France (HT), Ulrich Brunner (HP), and a few others. Cross-fertilised flowers rarely bear fruits and, more rarely, fertile seeds. The fruits are like a small Pea and when they contain a single round seed some promise of germination is offered, but when two or three small, irregular seeds are produced, they are certainly sterile. To give an idea of this difficulty I may state that from a quantity of seeds collected from fifty fruits last year and sown with every care in November in a greenhouse, only one plant has been produced; and I have only six plants representing the work of eight years. These are the results from the following crosses:— 1) R. Banksiae lutea simplex x R. Noisettiana Lamarque 2) R. Banksiae alba simplex x R. bengalensis fl. roseo pl. 3) R. Banksiae alba simplex x Fortune's Yellow 4) R. Banksiae lutea simplex x Safrano The parentage of the two remaining plants is not recorded. The crosses between R. Banksiae alba and lutea simplex and R. gigantea bore fruits, but the seeds did not germinate. I have given the name of Rosa Banksiae hyb. Di Castello to the only hybrid I have flowered, and this plant is the result of crossing of the simple R. Banksiae lutea with Lamarque. This hybrid has a robust constitution but is less vigorous than the mother, though more hardy. The branches, almost spineless, bear an abundance of double flowers of the purest white, about seven centimetres in diameter, sometimes singly, sometimes in clusters of three; they flower successively, are very fragrant and last some days in perfection. The time of flowering is early in April at Castello. Dr. Attilio Ragionieri. Castello, near Florence, Italy.