'Baltimore' rose References
Book (1940) Page(s) 15. Baltimore Hybrid Tea. (J. Cook, 1898.) 'Mme. Antoine Rivoire' x 'Lady Mary Fitzwilliam. Blush tinted.
Book (1936) Page(s) 49. Baltimore (HP) Cook 1901; M. A Rivoire X L. M. Fitzwilliam; light pink
Book (1923) Page(s) 409. BALTIMORE. Hybrid Tea. (J. Cook 1898.)
Book (1906) Page(s) 16. 1.005. Baltimore, Hybride Remontant, Cook 1901 rose clair
Magazine (31 Mar 1900) Page(s) 1037. Includes photo(s). New Rose Baltimore. This latest of John Cook's roses is in every way worthy to be named after the beautiful city where it was produced and is a close approach to a white American Beauty. In stem and leaf it is no whit behind that popular variety, and a cluster of it on stems three or four feet long, with its plentiful, massive foliage, topped by great buds of white, shading to a delicate shell pink center is a delight to the eye. The world of roses is not stationary but moving, and moving in the direction of size conspicuously. It is safe to say that with the advent of a class of large roses such as this, that can be forced continuously, our present everyday varieties will become as rare as the Isabella Sprunts, Bon Silenes and Safranos of twenty-five years ago are today.