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'Geranium' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 129-442
most recent 22 OCT 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 OCT 21 by goncmg
Despite my love for the mid-century varieties and love for orange and orange-red in particular, I never even saw this rose in person until I started growing it in Florida in 2019. Really happily surprised/on the cusp of shocked to see how clear and bright and truly orange the color is! This IS the one that introduced the color gene! Health is vastly better than I expected, too. Vigor is excellent---wide AND tall. And back in the 70's was reclassified as a GR for a few years and could have stayed in that class for sure. Maybe I had low expectations for this one and my near rave review is overstated. All I can saw is this one is one of my best here on the beach in NE Florida.
Discussion id : 124-653
most recent 27 DEC 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 DEC 20 by Cambridgelad
Introduced in the UK by the Wheatcroft Brothers

NRS Annual 1951 p72
Discussion id : 84-474
most recent 30 APR 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 APR 15 by Krimrose
Nezhenka, Nejenka orig. Неженка ist nicht identisch mit Kordes´Sondermeldung.
Ist ein Sämling von KSM V.N. Klimenko 1955
Bluten amarant-rosa, schalenförmig, gros- bis 10 cm, gefüllt - 57 Pet., duftend. Belaubung d.grün, glänzend.
Quelle: Rozy, Kratkie itogi introdukcii, Moskau 1972, S.165
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 APR 15 by Patricia Routley
Thank you very much Krimrose.
It appears the translator of the 1969 reference made an error, but translations are fraught with error.
Before making these alterations, may I check my computer's translation please.

'Nejenka'. (parentage: 'Turke's Rugosa Samling' x 'Kordes Sondermeldung').
Amaranth pink. cupped, 10cm bloom. 57 petals. fragrant. foliage dark green, shiny.
Bred 1955 by Klimenko.
Introduced Kratkie, Moscow, 1972.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 28 APR 15 by Krimrose
'Nejenka'. (parentage: 'Turke's Rugosa Samling' ?x 'Kordes Sondermeldung').
I can´t confirm this parentage, my reference book says just seedling of Kordes´Sondermeldung

Amaranth pink. cupped, 10cm bloom. 57 petals. fragrant. foliage dark green, shiny.
Bred 1955 by Klimenko.
Introduced Nikita, Crimea, UdSSR
Reference: (Translit. ISO9) Bylov V.N., Ŝtan´ko I.I, Ûdinceva Ê.V., Mihajlov N.L.; Rozy, Kratkiê itogi introdukcii ; Moskva 1972 (Roses Summary of introduction)
Reply #3 of 3 posted 30 APR 15 by Patricia Routley
We've deleted the incorrect translation of 'Nezhenka' out of 'Kordes' Sondermeldung' and find we had the correct 'Nejenka' file all along. All seems OK now. Thanks for your insight Krimrose.
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