'Archiduc Joseph' rose References
Magazine (2021) Page(s) 32. Vol 43, No. 4. Lynne Chapman and Billy West. A Close Look at Tea Roses But what of the Tea rose Monsieur Tillier? Is it correctly named or should it be called Archiduc Joseph, a Tea released a year later? A rose was distributed from the UK in the 1970s under the name Archiduc Joseph but at the same time it was known and grown in the USA, in Australia and in New Zealand under the name Monsieur Tillier. We lean towards Monsieur Tillier as the correct name mainly because of the existence of these old, named plants.
Magazine (2019) Page(s) 49. Vol 41, No. 1. Margaret Furness. Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia. Archiduc Joseph is the same as M. Tillier.
Magazine (2014) Page(s) 37. Vol 36, No. 3. Billy West. Two Roses, Three Names. Musical Chairs with Roses. .....Those new to Heritage roses are sure to come across the 'Monsieur Tillier' x 'Archiduc Joseph' debate sooner or later....... On the other hand, early descriptions of 'Archiduc Joseph', while similar in some ways, also mention hooked prickles and 'ashy grey green foliage', characteristics shared with 'General Schablikine'. Food for thought.
Book (2002) Page(s) 22. Not rated
Book (2000) Page(s) 89. Includes photo(s). ‘Archiduc Joseph’: Thé. Rose foncé en bouton, il éclaircit à l’éclosion, puis passe à un ton cuivre clair suffusé de rose… grosses fleurs à quartiers… minces rameaux brun-rouge à feuillage luisant, vert cendré. Leur teint de nectarine varie suivant le lieu et les caprices de la météo: en période humide, il se colore de pourpre et de corail, par temps sec et chaud, le rose pêche domine. Ce rosier fait l’objet de maintes controverses; il a longtemps été distribué à la place de ‘Monsieur Tillier’ et vice versa. Nabonnand, France, 1892.
Book (1997) Page(s) 379. Archiduc Joseph Tea. G. NAbonnand (France) 1872. Parentage: Seedling from 'Mme. Lombard'. Description... One of the outstanding Tea roses... a pleasing mixture of pink, purple, orange and russet with tints of gold and yellow in the centre... [Beales notes that the rose he describes is grown under the name 'Archiduc Joseph' in the UK and as 'Mons Tillier' in the USA.]
Book (Nov 1993) Page(s) 31. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 26. Archiduc Joseph Tea, purplish pink, center flesh-pink, 1892, 'Mme. Lombard' seedling; Nabonnand, G. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 108. Includes photo(s). A Tea with flowers that vary in colour according to temperature. Nabonnand (France) 1892. A 'Mme. Lambard' seedling. Repeats.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 42. Archiduc Joseph China. Nabonnand, 1892. Seedling of 'Mme Lambard'. [Author cites information from different sources.]