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'South Africa Sunbelt ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 168-961
most recent 4 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 NOV by CStanley16
Available from - Antique Rose Emporium
Discussion id : 168-960
most recent 4 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 NOV by CStanley16
Available from - Antique Rose Emporium
Discussion id : 145-112
most recent 23 MAY 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 MAY 23 by Kim W Florida 10b Humid
Available from - High Country Roses
Discussion id : 124-999
most recent 8 FEB 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JAN 21 by Plazbo
Has flowered a lot, has not set hips, so probably not one to use as a seed parent.

-edit 5/May/2021 - and much like the other new kordes I got, it is now setting hips in the late summer and autumn period. First ripe hip only had 3 seed, none of the hips are particularly large but it's setting them at a fairly useable rate if the seed are fertile.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 FEB 23 by Louisejc
Mine has at least six OP heps currently.

As for using it as a pollen parent it produces a lot of pollen so I see it being useful in that way also.

Update: OP Seeds are starting to germinate at 2nd of October, 2023. It does produce large seeds and looks to have a relatively good germination rate.
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