'Arctic Sunrise' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 90. ‘Arctic Sunrise’/BARarcsun = Miniature – blanc, remontant… aptitude à se former en épais tapis, foisonnant tout l’été de grands bouquets de 40 à 60 petites fleurs blanches, chacune d’une trentaine de pétales. Le fin feuillage vert franc est très résistant aux maladies… Barrett, UK, 1991.
Book (1992) Page(s) 27. Colin P Horner, Awards to Rose Seedlings in Great Britain in 1991. Trial Ground Certificates were also awarded.... and to Fred Barrett with BARarcsun 'Arctic Sunrise', a spreading Miniature Ground Cover bred from his own 'Tranquillity' x 'Snow Carpet'