'Souvenir de Madame de Corval' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
24 JUL 06 by
The description for this rose is incorrect. It is neither yellow, nor semidouble (and when was there ever a yellow HP?) The lovely photographs contributed by AmiRoses are what this rose looks like -- fully double, and a most interesting, intense shade of pink that is hard to describe. This rose was slow to get started in my Zone 8 garden but is now doing very well. Blooms in flushes; wants to send out long, arching canes. Fragrance is variable -- sometimes barely perceptible, at other times a very good, "old rose" fragrance.
#1 of 4 posted
5 DEC 06 by
The reference to the Old Rose Advisor is also incorrect. In Vol I, p. 629 of the 2. edition Dickerson states: "Flower medium-sized, semi-full, dawn-colour." Dickerson's quote is from Max Singer's Dictionnaire des Roses, 1885. The rose is also shortlisted in Simon-Cochet's "Nomenclature de tous les Noms de Roses", 1899 as "aurore", i.e. dawn-coloured. Simon-Cochet have of course also used Singer's work in their compilation.
#2 of 4 posted
13 days ago by
Incorrect? The quote is from Singer's Dictionnaire, p. 298, and is quite correct.
I'd like to add that when an old description varies from a modern photo, it is more likely that the photographed rose is incorrectly identified than that the old descriptions err.
#4 of 4 posted
12 days ago by
Brent, misunderstanding. This post of mine is so old, I needed to look into it again. What I probably meant is that the reference in HMF is formulated incorrectly, not the "Old Rose Advisor". The reference states "saffron" as colour, while your book has "dawn-colour" and Simon/Cochet "aurore". The rose in the photos seems to be the one from L'Haÿ. I wouldn't call its colour as "aurore", so it is probably mislabeled. We have a listing "in commerce as" since 2010. Recent photos reassigned to this listing
#3 of 4 posted
13 days ago by
"When was there ever a yellow HP?"
OP is evidently not familiar with the following HPs. With all of these, environment and culture will vary the characteristics, as will be seen in the full diversity of their descriptions.
--Some Shade in the Continuum from Pinkish Yellow, Yellowish Pink, and Dawn (golden pink), through Yellow, to White with a Yellow Tint. ("Dawn" or "Aurore" as a color-descriptor is of course much more common among the Teas and Hybrid Teas; here we just look at HPs.)
'Aurore du Matin' 'Bischof Dr. Korum' 'Candeur Lyonnaise' 'Comtesse Nathalie de Kleist' (copper) 'Everest' 'Gloire Lyonnais' 'Gruss an Weimar' 'Hold Slunci' 'Isabel Llorach' 'Mme. Albert Barbier' 'Pfaffstädt' 'Prinzessin Elsa zu Schaumburg-Lippe' 'Souvenir de Mme. de Corval' 'St. Ingebert'
And what of semi-double HPs?
--Semi-Double or Semi-Full
'Charles Bonnet' 'Commandeur Jules Gravereaux' 'Isabel Llorach' 'Jean Cherpin' 'Jules Margottin' ("more often semi-double than full") 'Mabel Morrison' 'Marquise de Verdun' 'Monsieur de Montigny' 'Prince Noir' 'Prudence Besson' 'Souvenir de Mme. de Corval' 'Souvenir de Mme. H. Thuret' 'Suzanne Carrol of Carrolton'