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'Chameleon Rose' References
Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) Vol 38, No. 1.  Includes photo(s).
p21. Richard Walsh: Feature Breeder - Eric Welsh.
....the most successful commercially would have to be Chameleon. While it is not listed by any nursery, it still appears as tube stock and as potted colour among the Minifloras at Bunnings from time to time. I have heard many negative things said about it but if it did not perform, it would not be still grown in its hundreds at Hunter Valley Gardens.

p22. Distance photo 'Chameleon'.

p23. A company on the Central Coast (NSW) seems to produce plants propagated by tissue culture from time to time of Chameleon, 'Hello Yellow' and others of the Australian Mini Collection such as 'Eric the Red' and they are sold through chain stores....
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 75.  
Hunter Valley Gardens Rose Spectactular. We have named 10 of our best roses which include ‘Chameleon’ and ….
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 82.  
‘Chameleon’ Min, yb, Welsh, Eric. [Wee Beth × (Starina × unknown)]
Introductions: Biotech Plants Pty, Ltd., 1995
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 140.  
Andrea Coats. …We then visited Tricia and Peter Weir’s garden at Westbrook, south west of Toowoomba. …..while to the front were some of the new patio roses such as ‘Chameleon’.
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