'Eugène Pirolle' rose References
Book (2012) Page(s) 63. Hybrides de Bengale. 1ère Série. R. Pirolle, id [Laffay]
Book (1936) Page(s) 566. Pirolle, Eugène (noisette) ? ? ; wine-pink, veined vivid pink, medium size, double
Website/Catalog (1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6 Admiral Rigny. Vivid crimson.
Book (1856) Page(s) 60. Rosa moschata.—The Noisette Rose. Eugene Pirolle* (Admiral de Rigny)...Bright rose....Perfect form, blooming in large clusters.
*indicates a variety having a dwarf habit.
Book (1854) Page(s) 270. Ungleich größer ist die Zahl der in Yebles gewonnenen vorzüglichen Bengalen und Theerosen. Als solche sind zu nennen Etoile Polaire, Eléonore Bouillard, Rosa Stellaris, Eléonore Desmonts, Pauline Lesourt, Aïne, Augustine Fauvel, Augustine Hersent, Clémentine Mallet, Delphine Bernard, Madame Desmonts, Madame Bureau, Julienne Lesourt, Emilie Lesourt, Grandidier, Eugène Pirolle, Aglaé Loth, Mistriss Joan Crawford, Madame Olry, Mistriss Butler, Joseph Deschiens, Etoile du Bonheur, Lucie la Grange, Pourpre romain, Docteur Gallès, Pauline la Grange, César Cardet, Angelina, Antoinette d'Orjo, Irma, Pauline Vareillo, Mistriss Schimpson, Lesourt, General Soyer, Madame Desprez (weiß), Madame Gallez, General Bellair, Candide, Coelina, Olympe, Thé d'Yebles u. s. w.
Translation: The number of excellent China and Tea roses obtained in Yebles is much larger. Etoile Polaire, Eléonore Bouillard, Rosa Stellaris, Eléonore Desmonts, Pauline Lesourt, Aïne, Augustine Fauvel, Augustine Hersent, Clémentine Mallet, Delphine Bernard, Madame Desmonts, Madame Bureau, Julienne Lesourt, Emilie Lesourt, Grandidier, Eugène Pirolle, Aglaé Loth, Mistriss Joan Crawford, Madame Olry, Mistriss Butler, Joseph Deschiens, Etoile du Bonheur, Lucie la Grange, Pourpre romain, Docteur Gallès, Pauline la Grange, César Cardet, Angelina, Antoinette d'Orjo, Irma, Pauline Vareillo, Mistriss Schimpson, Lesourt, General Soyer, Madame Desprez (white), Madame Gallez, General Bellair, Candide, Coelina, Olympe, Thé d'Yebles, etc. can be mentioned as such.
Book (1854) Page(s) 274-275. Translation: Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...3) Noisettes: ...Eugène Pirolle...
Magazine (1849) Page(s) 239. Les roses d'Yèbles forment à elles seules un volumineux et riche catalogue qui a fourni au commerce et aux amateurs une série de nombreuses variétés .... Eugène Pirolle.
Magazine (Jan 1848) Page(s) insert. Prijscourant van Rozen, van J. F. Bruynzeels, Bloemist te Prinsenhage (Provincie Noord-Braband). Op de Bloemententoonstelling den 23 Julij 1847 te Dordrecht gehouden, werd mijne verzameling Rozen bekroond. Door de groote zorg , welke ik besteed aan dit voorzeker het schoonste der bloemengeslachten, vlei ik mij dat de aflevering nan de verwachting mijner begunstigers zal beantwoorden. De onderstaande, eenige uitgezonderd, worden afgeleverd tegen f 0,50 Cts. het stuk....Noiset-Rozen.... Eugene Pirolle.
Translation: Price list of Roses, from J. F. Bruynzeels, Florist in Prinsenhage (Province of North Braband). At the Flower Exhibition held in Dordrecht on July 23, 1847, my collection of Roses was awarded. Due to the great care I pay to this certainly the most beautiful of flower genera, I am flattered that the delivery will meet the expectations of my supporters. The following, with some exceptions, are delivered at f 0.50 Cts. the piece....Noisette-Roses.... Eugene Pirolle.
Website/Catalog (1848) Page(s) 81. Rosiers Noisettes à rameaux courts, formant de petits buissons. Eugénie Pirole. Rose veiné.
Book (1848) Page(s) 129. The Chinese, or Monthly Rose. 20. Eugène Pirolle; flowers delicate pink.