'Black Baccara ™' rose References
Magazine (2016) Page(s) Table S2. black baccara, Origin of the sample: INRA Angers, Genetic group 8, Percentage of assignation: 87.7, 2000, HT, Meilland, Origin: France SE, Ploidy: 4, measured
Book (2007) Page(s) 54. Black Baccara, HT, dr, 2004, [Meilfota x Meilouzoul] Meilland Interational ... descriptiona
Magazine (Jan 2005) Page(s) 5. 2004 Roses In Review – Hybrid Teas: Garden ratings = 7.1; Show ratings = 7.0; Number of reports = 35 - Small, black/red blooms with good form. Slow repeat.