Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 556. Arndt Lambertiana. Peter Lambert 1913
Book (Mar 1994) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 28. Arndt Large-flowered Climber, pale pink, 1913, 'Hélène' x 'Gustav Grünerwald'; Lambert, P. Description.
Book (1947) Page(s) 99. ARNDT (polyantha) bears its pale flesh-pink flowers in large corymbs upon a tree which is a half climber. The foliage is a good dark green, the growth is vigoous, and the flowering season long. P. Lambert 1913. Deciduous. Climber. Without Scent....June-Sept. Hardy.
Book (1940) Page(s) 12. Arndt Everblooming Semi-Climber (P. Lambert 1913)... pale flesh-pink...
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 16. Repeating Climbers. Lambertianas. Arndt (P. Lambert 13). Semi-climber, bloom quite large, upright, in large laxclusters, light whitish pink, double, yellow-red bud, up to 1.50 m.
Book (1936) Page(s) 35. Arndt (Multiflora, Lambertiana) Lambert 1913; Helene X G. Grünerwald; light flesh-pink, medium-size, well double, upright, in clusters, very floiferous, continuous bloomer, lasting, growth 7/10, semi-climber. Sangerhausen
Book (1933) Page(s) 161. ARNDT. P. Lambert, 1913. One of the best Lambertianas. Large, loose clusters of reddish yellow buds and pretty salmon-pink flowers. Fairly constant bloomer.
Magazine (Jun 1929) Page(s) 70. Arndt (Lambert, 1913), Hélène x Gust. Grunerwald, fleur pleine, rose chair, boutons cuivre et rose.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 61. Lambertiana Roses A class of Roses new to this country, originated by Peter Lambert of Germany. They tend to be shrubby climbers which bloom more or less frequently during the season. Valuable as strong shrubs and most interesting as a step forward in Rose progress. Following varieties are $1.50 each Arndt. (P. Lambert, 1913.) Reddish yellow buds and salmon-rose flowers of medium size in large, loose clusters. Half-climbing habit; flowers until fall. One of the most liberal and continuous bloomers of the class. A seedling of Hélène X Gustav Grünerwald.