'Général Cavaignac' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
3 OCT 17 by
sam w
Given adequate water, this small shrub will happily bloom through the hottest months. It's fragrant, healthy, and a bright but not jarring pink. I consider it one of the best roses that, strangely, not too many folks seem to be growing.
Initial post
1 JUN 13 by
Unregistered Guest
Available from - Rogue Valley Roses
Initial post
15 MAY 12 by
I started this rose from a band 2 years ago. It has grown into a 3ft tall upright multi caned bush. Minimal blackspot...no spray. No mildew or rust noted. Not a fussy rose. Blooms do not ball. Almost continuous bloom/proflic. Beautiful very deep pink. 3-4 inch blooms. Some nod. 3 day vase life. Very strong old rose fragrance to me. Didn't like dappled shade....loves full sun. Heavy feeder....did noticably better with manure and fish emulsion than with granular fert for me. Becoming one of my favorite roses.
Thanks for the description, very helpful.
Initial post
5 JUN 13 by
Unregistered Guest
Available from - Rogue Valley Roses www.roguevalleyroses.com