'Général Castellane' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Rosa ‘Général Castellane’ Hybrid Perpetual. In The Gardeners’ Chronicle of 1855 it was described as a newer Hybrid Perpetual, with brilliant velvety crimson flowers, and a profuse late bloomer, not a very robust grower and of somewhat dwarf habit. Elsewhere it was described as somewhat after ‘Lord Raglan’ in type, very fine and perfect in all aspects. It was considered moderately resistant to mildew but required good soils to flourish. [Rivers 1857, Paul 1863, FC p.61/1855]. Horticultural & Botanical History ‘Général Castellane’ was included in William Paul’s ‘best twelve’ at the beginning of the Wars of the Roses. [Gard. chron. 1856]. History at Camden Park Included in a handwritten list of roses dated 1861, probably intended for a new edition of the catalogue that was never printed. [MP A2943].
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 210. Général de Castellane Hybrid Perpetual [Laurent] Guillot père 1851
Book (1936) Page(s) 133. de Castellane, Général (HP) Guillot 1851; scarlet-vermilion, shaded velvety crimson-violet, very large double, fragrance 8/10, strong branches, hooked prickles, growth 8/10.
Book (1899) Page(s) 70. Général de Castellane, HR, Guillot, 1851, cramoisi violet
Book (1882) Page(s) 12. Général Castellane... Hybride Perpétuel. Guillot père. 1851 Cramoisi. Fleur grande. Plante moyenne.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 52. hybrid perpetual. Général Castellane (Guillot, 1852), vermilion-red shded with velvety crimson-violet, very large, full, very fragrant, impressive.
Website/Catalog (1864) Page(s) 9. General Castellane H.P.
Magazine (Jan 1858) Page(s) CXL. Exposition de 1857 .... 2. Roses. Beaucoup d'exposants ont- pris part au concours des Roses coupées, dont plusieurs milliers ont été placés devant le public. .... Au nombre des plus belles, on signalera : Louise Odier, Jules Margottin, Colonel Foissy, Général Castellane, Lion des Combats, William Griffith, Empereur Napoléon, Baronne Prévost, Gloire de Dijon, Souvenir de Leweson Gower, Léon Kotchoubey, Géant des Batailles, Lord Raglan, magnifique fleur, large et pleine, cramoisi-feu vif au centre, violet-pourpre au pourtour; Clémence Isaure, Auguste Guinoiseau, Mme Knorr, Louise Perrony, Mme Hector Jacquin, Mme Frémion, Charles Boissière, Général Cavaignac, Mme Récamier, Triomphe de l'Exposition, Noémie, Prince Noir, Comte d'Egmont, Baron Larrey, Général Jacqueminot, à la fleur éclatante et superbe, Etoile du nord, Camille de Châteaubourg, etc., etc.
Magazine (Mar 1857) Page(s) 60-61. Exposition de Beaune ... Le prix d'honneur a été décerné à M. Liger, qui avait réuni les plus belles fleurs de la saison....La corbeille du milieu, jonché de 80 Verveines, se rengorgeait sous une guirlande de Roses, dont Jules Margottin, Lion des Combats, Castellane, Auguste Mie, Louise Odier, Lord Raglan effaçaient, sous leurs tons velouté, rose ou carné, Mme Guillot, Mme Laffay, Marquisa Boccella, Changarnier, Lady Forwich.
Magazine (29 May 1855) Page(s) 142. NEW ROSES. Mr. Paul, of Cheshunt, sent thirty kinds of new Roses in No. 16 pots, very nice plants, with two, three, to half-a-dozen flowers on each, besides flower buds. The following are what I would choose, and the order of the selection. Of Hybrid Perpetuals, Prince Leon, like a dark red La Reine; General Castellane, crimson ; Barone de Kermont, rose; Helen (Paul's), like an old blush Province Rose ; Comte d'Nanteuil, like a blush Pæony; Jules Margottin, a good red rose; Leon Plee, a blush; Louise Odier, a large trusser, rose; Madame Hector Jacquin, rose, or like Camellia elegans ; Madame Duchere, a light blush-rose; Prince Albert (Paul), a Bourbon Rose of the highest colour, and seems a strong grower; and Duchess of Norfolk, not so double or so dark as it was exhibited last year by Mr. Wood, of Maresfield.