'Léon Plée' rose References
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 276. Léon Plée Hybrid Perpetual Jean Laffay 1852
Book (1936) Page(s) 568. Plée, Léon (HP) Laffay 1852; La Reine X ? ; vivid pink, medium size, double
Book (1906) Page(s) 90. 5.776. Léon Plée, Hybride Remontant, Laffay 1852 rose vif
Book (28 Dec 1861) Page(s) 10. Hybrid Perpetuals ...Leon Plee
Magazine (Sep 1856) Page(s) 202. Dans cette Revue, nous établissons trois catégories :.... dans la troisième , nous énumérons toutes celles qui n'ont pa été assez étudiées par les obtenteurs, et qui ont été très promptement supprimées des cultures.... TROISIÈME CATÉGORIE. Roses hybrides remontantes. Léon Plée.
Magazine (Jun 1855) Page(s) 158. Meeting of the Horticultural Society, April 3rd, Regent Street. The following New Roses are very fine: Leon Plee, very large, lilac and pink...
Magazine (29 May 1855) Page(s) 142. NEW ROSES. Mr. Paul, of Cheshunt, sent thirty kinds of new Roses in No. 16 pots, very nice plants, with two, three, to half-a-dozen flowers on each, besides flower buds. The following are what I would choose, and the order of the selection. Of Hybrid Perpetuals, Prince Leon, like a dark red La Reine; General Castellane, crimson ; Barone de Kermont, rose; Helen (Paul's), like an old blush Province Rose ; Comte d'Nanteuil, like a blush Pæony; Jules Margottin, a good red rose; Leon Plee, a blush; Louise Odier, a large trusser, rose; Madame Hector Jacquin, rose, or like Camellia elegans ; Madame Duchere, a light blush-rose; Prince Albert (Paul), a Bourbon Rose of the highest colour, and seems a strong grower; and Duchess of Norfolk, not so double or so dark as it was exhibited last year by Mr. Wood, of Maresfield.