'Duchess of Norfolk' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Nov 2011) Includes photo(s). Rosa ‘Duchess of Norfolk’ Hybrid Perpetual. ‘Duchess of Norfolk’ was described by William Paul as a rich purplish-crimson in colour, moderate size and full in shaped, and nearly thornless, and a moderate grower. This latter is at odds with the view expressed in an American Paper: ‘An English horticultural periodical is quoted as describing the new Rose ‘Duchess of Norfolk’ as a “brilliant coloured climbing Hybrid Perpetual Rose” – the term climbing being merely an exaggeration of its vigorous growth. This kind of exaggeration is, we believe, not entirely new to English gardeners.’ An ‘American Paper’, quoted in the Gardeners' Chronicle' of 1854. Thomas Rivers was of the view that it would probably form a nice pillar. [Paul (1863, 1888)]. Horticultural & Botanical History Introduced by Margottin in 1850. Louis van Houtte included ‘Duchess of Norfolk’ in an Énumération des plus belles variétiés et….des autres! in the Flore des Serres. [FS pgs.91-102 vol.15/1864]. History at Camden Park Included in a handwritten list of roses dated 1861, probably intended for a new edition of the catalogue that was never printed. [MP A2943].
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 330. Duchesse de Norfolk Hybrid Perpetual [Jacques-Julien] Margottin père 1853
Book (1936) Page(s) 517. de Norfolk, Duch. (HP) Margottin 1853; carmine-pink, medium size, double
de Norfolk, Duch. (hybrid china) Wood ? ; purple-crimson, large, double, cup form, fragrance 6/10.
Book (1906) Page(s) 51. 3.385 Duchesse de Norfolk Hybride Remontant, Margottin, 1853, rose carmin
Magazine (1 Jun 1892) Page(s) 84. NÉCROLOGIE. Mort de Margottin, Jacques-Julien. Margottin a obtenu les gains suivants: Hybrides remontants. 1850. Duchesse de Norfolk.
Book (1885) Page(s) 278, Vol 1. Hybride remontant. Duchesse de Norfolk. Margottin 1853. Fleur moyenne, pleine; coloris carmin rose.
Translation: Hybrid Perpetual. Duchesse de Norfolk. Margottin 1853. Medium-sized flower, full; colored a carmine-pink.
Book (1882) Page(s) 10. Duchess of Norfolk... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Hybride Perpétuel. Margottin. 1853 Cramoisi foncé. Fleur grande. Plante robuste.
Book (1882) Page(s) 223. 281. Duchess of Norfolk, free habit of growth. Hybrid Remontant. Margottin, 1861. (Sent out by Wood.) Rosy-red, medium size, cup-shaped; a shy bloomer, and not valuable.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 42. hybrid perpetual. Duchesse de Norfolk (Wood & Sons), purple-crimson, large, full, beautiful flat cup form, pleasant fragrance.
Magazine (Jul 1875) Page(s) 113. Variétés odorantes, mais moins que les précédentes. 5° Roses Hybrides remontantes. Achille Gonod. Adolphe Brongniart. Alpaïde de Rotalier. Auguste Rigotard. Baronne de Claparède. Baronne Prévost. Bernard Palissy. Caroline de Sansal. Cécile de Chabrillant. Charles Margottin. Charles Verdier. Charles Turner. Clémence Joigneaux. Comte de Nanteuil. Comtesse de Jaucourt. Duchesse de Cambacérés. Duchesse de Norfolk. Edouard Morren. Eugène Sue. François premier. Général Changarnier. Général Washington. Gloire de Santenay. Jacques Lafitte. Jean Goujon. Jules Margottin. La France. La Reine. Léopold Ier. Léopold II. Madame Alice Dureau. Madame Campbell d'Islay. Madame Charles Verdier. Madame De Ridder. Madame Domage. Madame Furtado. Mad. Jacquin. Mad. Knorr. Mad. Moreau. Mad. Rivers. Maréchal Suchet. Maréchal Vaillant. Marguerite Dombrain. Marquise de Castellane. Noémi. Ordéric Vital. Perfection de Lyon. Pierre Notting. Président Mas. Prince Humbert. Souvenir de Poiteau. Sydonie. Triomphe de l'Exposition.Ville de St-Denis.