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'Paul Holmes' rose References
Website/Catalog  (18 Jun 2013)  
Name: 'Something Special'
Synonyms: 'Forum', 'Macwyom', 'Paul Holmes'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Something Special
HT, ly, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers pale yellow with hints of apricot and peach, dbl., high-centered, intense fragrance; recurrent; foliage dark green, glossy; upright (3-3½ ft.) growth
Introductions: C & K Jones , 1999, U.K.
Book  (2008)  
p122. Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2007-2008 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Paul Holmes (MACwyom) McGredy: 7 Reports:7 Plants: Garden 5.9, Exhibition 6.0: Medium height: Health 6.4: Fragrance 4.4: Creamy yellow flowers. Northland: Spring had nice blooms, flowers have quite a yellow tint, foliage bright and glossy. Waikato: Its last year as I've never had a perfect bloom. Te Awamutu: Small exhibition shaped flowers, always hoping to exhibit from it. Gisborne: Nice colour and shape, it looks very promising, repeats well. Marlborough: Colour good, too few blooms, slow to repeat, healthy. Nelson: Stems not strong for the flower head.

p135. Doug Grant. Final Analysis 2008
Paul Holmes (MACwyom) McGredy: HT. 40 Reports. 48 Plants. Garden 6.7, Exhibition 6.6. Medium height. Very good health, slight fragrance. Blooms creamy yellow. Attractive colour and blooms, bright glossy foliage, variable in repeating, weather affects blooms.
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p8
2002. Paul Holmes - Macwyom. Nicknamed Wyoming. For the TV presenter
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 491.  
Something Special, (Macwyom), HT, ly, McGredy, introduced in 1999 ... no parentage reported
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 120.  
Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2006-2007 Season.
Paul Holmes (MACwyom). McGredy: 11 Reports: 12 Plants: Garden 6.1, Exhibition 5.8: Medium height: Health 7.0: Fragrance 3.1: Creamy yellow flowers. Kaitaia: fabulous colour, good number of blooms, good repeat, blooms affected by weather. Northland: healthy, flowers can have split centres. Waikato: promises well but damp weather spoils the blooms, good over summer. Te Awamutu: quite a showy bush, small HT blooms. Would make a good vase. BOP: straggly and poor growth habit. Marlborough: blooms attractive in shape and colour. Canterbury: second year plant that has many new basal shoots.
Book  (2006)  
p27. Neville Guy. Some roses of course haven't made the transition from spray to no-spray or just haven't handled the "no-spray" regime: Paul Holmes and ... have all succumbed.

p109. Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2005-2006 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Paul Holmes (MACwyom) McGredy. Garden rating 7.3. Exhibition rating 7.1. 9 bushes, 7 reports. Disease resistant. Light fragrance. Medium height. Creamy yellow flowers. Two Canterbury reports like the pale creamy pale yellow colour with very attractive foliage, a good small exhibition rose. Southland likes the dark green foliage and finds the flowers pleasing. Northland finds it has good nice size blooms opening creamy yellow, ageing to golden apricot, could be used as an exhibition. Te Awamutu says small exhibition blooms, but likes the form and colour, useful in vases or bowls. It does nothing for the North Otago reporter, just another rose. Waikato - could be great for exhibiting but not there when needed.
Book  (2005)  
p94. Forum (MACyom) HT. my. McGredy. Int 2001. CRL - NN3 (Nirp International).

p149. MACyom - See 'Forum'
p149. MACwyom - See 'Something Special'.

p184. Paul Holmes See 'Something Special' - DD3.

p230. Something Special (MACwyom, 'Paul Holmes'). HT. ly. McGredy. int. 1999. CRL - CC1, CC8, JJ4.
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 109.  
Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2004-2005 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Paul Holmes (MACwyom) McGredy. Garden rating 6.9. Exhibition rating 6.8. 6 bushes. 5 reports. Some health problems. Light fragrance. Medium height. Creamy yellow flowers. Te Awamutu likes the colour, many flowers, small exhibition shape but with weak necks. North Otago wouldn't recommend this rose. Can't exhibit. Okay in bud but goes cabbagey. Waikato - could be beautiful, but never quite makes it. Marlborough says this rose is very free flowering, good exhibition blooms, wonderful colour in the autumn and always in flower.
Book  (2004)  Includes photo(s).
p109. Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2003-2004 Season. Hybrid teas.
Paul Holmes (MACwyom) McGredy: Garden rating 7.4: Exhibition rating 7.3: 14 bushes, 10 reports: Disease Resistant: Light fragrance: Medium height: Creamy yellow flowers. Waikato - great garden display. Lovely rose; good exhibition blooms and good foliage to complement. Also from Waikato - lots of promise but no results yet. 3yr old bush still not thriving. Northland are disappointed with this rose. Nelson - new bush doing well so far. North Otago - nice healthy rose but blooms don't like heat. Marlborough calls this rose an exhibitor's dream; such beautiful form. May be on the small size. Always in flower; beautiful colour that goes deeper in autumn. Manawatu - HT form; healthy, upright, free flowering with light fragrance and worth trying.

p113. Photo Paul Holmes HT. Photograph De Boer Roses.
Book  (2002)  Includes photo(s).
p48 Photo. Trial 31. Paul Holmes. HT. Photograph June Hocking.

p82 Peter Elliott. New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 31. 1999-2001.
A nice HT rose in a creamy/amber/lemon blend was Paul Holmes MACwyom) which would appeal to the fans of the said gentleman but not necessarily to others.

p84. ibid. Variety 99.4152. 67.9. HT. Paul Holmes MACwyom). McGredy. Agent: Matthews. yellow.
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