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'Forkasu Porkasu' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 146-096
most recent 11 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 JUN 23 by KristenSH
I Brought this as a potted plant from Style last year and it didn't do much for me, then sadly & rather surprisingly didn't survive winter (-7c).
Discussion id : 140-495
most recent 15 APR 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 APR 23 by Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
After a 2 year evaluation I can say this is one fussy plant!
I’ll soon be giving it away or shovel pruning it.
For the few good quality blooms it DOES have, they are small, and not at all long or firm stemmed enough to put them with other roses or into a standing vase. Because this has miniature genetics, it acts the same way in a vase. Perhaps a single bud vase would be okay. I just don’t know how this could ever be considered a Florist Rose, unless it’s used in a corsage like a gardenia.
It has a lot of problems with mildew, the flowers get spotted during rainfall, and the bottom of the bush is naked when it’s summertime. It grows very awkward, as if it can’t figure out whether it’s a miniature or a climber. Lastly, there is zero fragrance.
Great for a conversation piece, but as a Frankenstein, it looks incredibly out of place next to other roses.
It’s been in the ground 2 years, and has grown to be only 14” tall. Other roses eclipse it, and you have to be able to put it into a place where there are no other standards around, or it will drop its leaves and turn yellow, because of living in their shadows.
My recommendation would be to get Alfred Sisley or George Burns, and you’ll have a nice FRAGRANT flower, combined with a very nice forming bush of good stature. I’d pass this one up, unless you only grow miniatures, and you don’t mind them awkward, and underperforming.
Discussion id : 41-792
most recent 16 NOV 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 JAN 10 by Dave Bang
This is the best rose I have ever owned. It's tolerance to heat is amazing. In 110 degree weather the bloom is pristine day after day for a week. Then the yellow fades to white looking like a zebra. Most blooms last for 4 weeks some up to 6 weeks. I have found that the greater the temperature and full sun all day will give you greater contrast of colors to the point of being almost black. During the winter when the sun isnt intense the dark color will be medium red.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 NOV 22 by Chirotteri
Thank you for sharing this. I think I'll get this rose
Discussion id : 123-076
most recent 27 AUG 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 AUG 20 by chubite
Available from - Golden Valley Rose
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