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'Lavender Lace ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 153-959
most recent 12 NOV 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 NOV 23 by Michael Garhart
I remember when this one was released. They looked dead-ish at nurseries. It was weak, and it looked like there was possibly crop failure during its release debut. Too bad, because the color was nifty.
Discussion id : 5-787
most recent 12 MAY 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 MAR 04 by Unregistered Guest
I have had this rose since February 3. Where all the others are leafed out and have buds about to open, this one barely has two or three leaflets... and is dying back. I called the nursery where I bought it from and they said their's are extremely small and dying back, too. All the other Floribundas are doing fine for them, as well.

Is anyone else having problems with this rose?

Thank you,

Reply #1 of 2 posted 17 MAR 04 by Anonymous-5090

I shovel pruned it and found it had NO new white roots. Every root appeared to be limp and dead. It is being soaked in root stimulator and will be placed in an "observation pot" just in case. It is replaced with a gorgeous "Honey Bouquet" :o).
Reply #2 of 2 posted 12 MAY 06 by Nicole Piehl

Hi Linda:

Were you able to revive your Lavender Lace?  Mine just barely came back last year and unfortunately looks like it is not coming back at all for this year.


Discussion id : 6-606
most recent 26 APR 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 JUL 04 by Chizuko Unebasami
I saw this rose on the jackson and perkins website. I loved the color somuch that it is now on my wish list. However i am not sure if want this rose or not. Is everyone having problems with this rose. Is it not worh it?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 NOV 04 by Unregistered Guest
I ordered this one bare root from J&P this spring and it died. I saw the bad comments here and elsewhere, I dont think I have ever seen a good comment. I was surprised to see they are still carying it.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 26 APR 05 by Nicole Piehl
I too puchased this rose last March and although it did produce a few roses, the stems were very weak and the roses were small. This year it did not look like it was coming back, but I pruned off the dead parts, and it's actually trying its hardest and has some new tiny leaves. So, I am hopeful. The rest of my roses are doing great. I live in Eugene, Oregon which has a climate very similar to Medford where J & P is located - I wonder how they have made theirs grow so beautifully.
Discussion id : 6-435
most recent 16 JUN 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 JUN 04 by anonymous-55256
I also purchased it. When it had been planted for 1.5 months and it hadn't leafed out, I contacted J&P for a replacement. We dug it up to take a look at the roots...and noticed that all of the roots had "disappeared" except for about 2 roots. We replanted it in a large pot. Within the past month, it has leafed out and has a couple of buds. Nevertheless, we have noticed that a few of the canes are yellowing...

What do yellow canes signify?
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