'Quietness' rose Reviews & Comments
'Quietness' in my Appalachian garden is resistant to petal blight, balling, and thrips. It opens very cleanly for a blush rose and is excellent in every way.
#1 of 3 posted
18 JUL 07 by
I agree, Quietness is a wonderful rose. The color is a clear pink, the blooms are always lovely through each stage and they last a very long time.
#2 of 3 posted
16 APR 11 by
Here in the San Francisco Bay area, it doesn't do quite so well. Based on its reputation elsewhere, I wasn't expecting it to rust fairly badly (and even get a touch of PM) here, but it does. It's vigorous enough that it outgrows the diseases during most of the year, but in winter and early spring many HTs look healthier in this climate, and HTs don't do all that well here.
It's still a good rose in this area, and it's never going to die from its minor sicknesses, but don't expect it to be unsprayed perfection everywhere.
Hi, I'm in Fremont, alkaline clay soil (due to originally was under ocean/sea bed with shells). I've been here for almost 20 years but originally from near Boston, acid soil (and MD also acid). I'm wondering if you have the same alkaline clay soil, and your review of Quietness' growth habits reflects this. I've had a bear of time finding strongly scented roses (Not anise which I dislike) for CA. All my old favorites in the East coast either have No scent (Shocking Blue) or changed to very anise (Yves Piaget). So I've had to find new favorites, Sharia Asma #1, Elle, Oklahoma, ~Dee-lish (not quite as strong scent), etc.
I get my roses own root from Heirloom Roses mostly. But they seem to have no idea because they either don't grown them in the ground/native soil or they don't have alkaline clay soil where they are. If you have the same soil, I would love to hear your thoughts/experience. I grow almost exclusively hybrid teas due to long bloom season, bloom size/shape, etc. (though I do have the occasional non-hybrid tea form like Sharifa Asma).
I love this rose. In my entire garden ( at the time was over 300 roses) it was my healthiest and favorite. It has health, disease resistance, hardiness, fragrance and garden beauty! I bought mine from Pat at Roses Unlimited and soon learned the history of this rose! The clear pink color is so pure and beautiful. Highly recommend this rose to beginners as well as old rosarians!
I just bought Quietness. Can you tell me if it is a once blooming? Does it grow in a mounding form? How big and wide? I live in zone 6a and have no idea where I will be placing it. I have a morning sun spot I am thinking of. Any photos of the plant would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Colleen
Hi Colleen! This garden was retired over 6 years ago and the roses were mostly all donated to rose society members and friends around the valley. What I remember if it as I said: Constant Bloomer, hardy, Fragrant, disease resistant and stunning garden rose. It looks like all the pictures that are in the files on HMF. I remember it being quite upright to 5 or 6 feet and 3-4 feet wide. This garden was also 6A and I never had issues with it! Hope that helps. All the best Amy Dohmen
Amy, thank you so much for responding. How wonderful that your were able to find good homes for your Roses! Your information helps me a great deal. I was beginning to having made a few purchases from ARE because I couldn’t remember where I thought they should be placed. This helps me. Looking forward to posting my own photos someday. Thanks again, Colleen
You are welcome! Anytime. My current garden is under the AzRoseLady! This one is kept because of the amount of rose information that is contained within. Thank you AmyDohmen
#5 of 5 posted
4 FEB 24 by
it blooms continuously. It's a perfect rose in my opinion. I bought 2 last year and am planting the 3rd this spring
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
Initial post
15 OCT 13 by
In my blackspot-ravaged Zone 6b garden (and I do spray with Actinovate weekly) this rose is one of the few plants with clean foliage.It's mid-October in CT, now, and it's still putting out perfect pink blooms. I couldn't be happier with this rose! If only my other roses did so well this year...
Love your comments on Quietness! I am in 6a and I just bought one from ARE. Can you please tell me if it is mounding in growth form? I am wondering how it would look growing alone or should I pair it with other large rise bushes. Any other information as to size would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Colleen