'Aristide Dupuy' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 226. Dupuy, Aristide (HP) Trouillard 1867; bluish slaty violet, streaked and striped fiery, edges vivid pink, large, double, repeats well, straight branches, growth 7/10.
Book (1885) Page(s) 33. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— Aristide Dupuis; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Brisbane Botanic Garden.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 66. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Aristide Dupius slate, flamed with scarlet, large, full, and fine form, good habit, and free-flowering.
Book (1882) Page(s) 3. Aristide Dupuis... Hybride Perpétuel. Trouillard 1867 Rouge rubis. Fleur grande. Plante robuste.
Website/Catalog (1874) Page(s) 41. 1308. B. Aristide Dupuis slate color.
Website/Catalog (1873) Page(s) 36. Hybrid Perpetuals. Aristide Dupuis Slate, flamed with scarlet; large, full, and fine form, good habit, flowers freely.
Magazine (Jan 1869) Page(s) 9. The New Roses of 1867 by William Paul. Aristide Dupuis (H.P.) was one of the first to unfold its blossoms, the quality of which is excellent; the ground colour is slate, flamed with scarlet; the flowers large, full, of good form, and produced in abundance. The habit is vigorous and good.
Magazine (Feb 1868) Page(s) 49. M.EUGÈNE VERDIER fils aîné, 3, rue Dunois, Paris, outre ses gains marqués (E. V.), s'est rendu acquéreur des variétés suivantes : Hybrides remontants. Aristide Dupuis (T.), fleurs grandes, pleines, ardoisé flammé ou rubané feu.