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'La Prospérine' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 586.  
Prospérine, La (polyantha) Ketten 1897; G. Schwartz X Duch. Marie Salviati; peach-red, center shaded orange-chrome-yellow, edges whitish pink, medium size, 3/4-full, in clusters of 5-20, fragrance 5710, floriferous, continuous bloom, long stems, growth 5/10, short.
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 10.  
Rosa multiflora. — Rosiers multiflores nains....
166 La Prospérine (Ketten frères 1897): Fl. rouge pêche, centre teinté de chrome orangé, pourtour passant au blanc rosé, moy., assez pl., odor.. Iong pédoncule. Arb. vig.. toujours fleuri. „Georges Schwartz'' x „Duchesse Marie Salviati". Dédié à l'épouse décédée d'un belge.

[no longer listed in the 1926 catalogue]
Magazine  (1 Jul 1911)  Page(s) 314.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
La Prospérine... Perpetual Pompon*, Ketten, 1897, George Schwartz X Duchesse Marie Salviatti

*i.e., Dwarf Polyantha
Website/Catalog  (1910)  Page(s) 18, 77.  
p. 18: La Proserpine, P., 40 c.

p. 77: New Hybrid Polyantha Roses... La Prosperine. Peach-red, center chrome-orange.

[no longer listed in 1918]
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 69, 81.  
p. 69: New Hybrid Polyantha Roses... La Prosperine. Peach-red, center chrome-orange.

p. 81: La Prosperine, P., 35 c.
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 17.  
New Hybrid Polyantha Roses ...La Prosperine, mod. [growth], Flowers peach-red, center chrome-orange, edged with white rose color. Odd and beautiful. 15c each. Two-year-old plants, 35c each.
Website/Catalog  (1902)  Page(s) 22, 75.  
p. 22: New Hybrid Polyantha Roses .... LA PROSPERINE, No. 129 (Ketten).—Flowers peach red, centre chrome orange edged with white rose color. Odd and beautiful. Medium-size flower, fairly well filled; fragrant; blooms continuously. 20 cts. each; 3 for 50 cts.; two-year-old plants, 35 cts. each.

p. 75: La Prosperine, P., 35c
Magazine  (1 Sep 1897)  Page(s) 135.  
Les roses nouvelles suivantes sont ven-
dues par la maison Ketten frères, du Grand-
Duché du Luxembourg :
La Prospérine (rosier hybride de multiflore).- Fleur rouge pêche, reinté de jaune chrôme orangé, poutour passant au blanc rosé, moyenne, assez pleine, odorante, long pédoncule. Arbuste vigoureux, à riche floraison continuelle. Précieux pour la fleur coupée. Issue de Georges Schwartz X Duchesse Marie Salviati.

Flower red peach, center tinted yellow chrome with orange hue, changing to blush white, average, relatively full, scented long pedicel.

Georges Schwartz x Duchesse Marie Salviati.
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