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'Soaring Spirits ™' rose Description
'Soaring Spirits ™' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Basheba
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
40 favorite votes.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT.  
Pink blend Large-Flowered Climber.
Registration name: WEKbecfoj
Exhibition name: Soaring Spirits ™
Bred by Tom Carruth (United States, before 2002).
Introduced in United States by Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. in 2004.
Climber, Large-Flowered Climber.  
Pink and yellow, stripes.  Mild, tea fragrance.  5 to 7 petals.  Average diameter 8.5".  Medium to large, single (4-8 petals), in large clusters, cupped-to-flat bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Tall, climbing.  Large, glossy, dark green foliage.  3 to 7 leaflets.  

Height: 6'11" to 8'2" (210 to 250cm).  
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Can be used for garden.  
Breeder's notes:
Brilliant glossy green new growth, large clusters, vigorous
Australia - Patent No: AU3677P  on  18 Dec 2008
Application No: 2007/079  on  9 Mar 2007   VIEW PBR PATENT
First sold in USA in Dec 2004. First Australian sale Jun 2006.
United States - Patent No: PP 18,033  on  18 Sep 2007   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 11/263,802  on  31 Oct 2005
Inventors: Carruth; Thomas F. (Altadena, CA)
Assignee: Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. (Upland, CA)
This invention relates to a new and distinct variety of Climbing Rose. It has as its seed parent the variety known as `POUlclimb` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 10,639) and as its pollen parent the variety known as `WEKroalt` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 11,518).....description is of 3 to 4 year-old rose plants of the new variety grown outdoors in Upland, Calif. in the month of October.
This rose was named for the victims in the Twin Towers who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. "Remember Me" Rose Gardens will be building 3 rose gardens near where the planes crashed that day and each garden will have one rose bush for each victim that day....nearly 3000 roses in each garden. They have been introducing roses every year named for different victim groups. Other roses include Firefighter(NYC Firemen), Forty Heroes (Flight 93), We Salute You (The Pentagon), and The Finest (NYC Police).