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'Anna Balsgård' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 126-704
most recent 28 MAR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 MAR 21 by Singularly Beautiful Roses
An article entitled "Four Novel Swedish Rose Cultivars" published in HortScience 39(1) 2004, p. 198-200 provides some insight into the creation of the four roses bred by Ulrika Carlson-Nilsson.

"The first rose cultivars from Balsgard were released in 2000. They are named 'Anna,' 'Irma,' 'Balsgard Balder,' and 'Balsgard Freja.' The names of the cultivars 'Anna' and 'Irma' were chosen after the names of the breeder's grandmothers. 'Balsgard Balder' and 'Balsgard Freja' are named after two gods in Nordic mythology."
Discussion id : 39-958
most recent 24 OCT 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 OCT 09 by AnneU
Is it the same as Anna (shrub, Carlsson, 2001)?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 OCT 09 by jedmar
Good catch! This is surely the same.
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