'Lavender Lace' rose References
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 54. Lavender Lace Rated 6.5
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 306. Miniature, mauve, 1968, 'Ellen Poulsen' x 'Debbie'; Moore, R.S.; Sequoia Nursery. Flowers lavender, double, high-centered, small; fragrant; foliage small, glossy; vigorous, bushy dwarf growth.
Book (1972) Page(s) 77. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. Miniatures. The best mauve miniature is of course Lavender Lace, a real treasure of a plant and flower. True the colour sometimes leans towards pink, or sometimes towards red, but it really does deserve the title of the very best mauve miniature.
Book (1971) Page(s) 18. E. F. Allen. Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1970. Lavender Lace ('Ellen Poulsen' x 'Debbie'). A very vigorous Miniature, by Moore, with lilac mauve, very double flowers and fine small foliage. The little bushes were all on their own roots and I was impressed by their healthy, even growth. Trial Ground Certificate.
Book (1970) Page(s) 28. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Lavender Lace. Miniature. (Moore) This is certainly the gem of the year. It is the first mauve miniature, and it is a lovely bush with a well shaped flower which holds its colour well - abundant bloom with beautifully formed buds and flowers. Compact, hardy, and free flowering. (Ellen Poulsen x Debbie.)